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Why Does Africa Appear Smaller on Maps than in Reality
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3,530 Views • Oct 12, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Africa appears smaller on maps due to cartographic distortions and historical biases. Here's why:

1. Mercator Projection: Most maps use the Mercator projection, developed in 1569. This method preserves angles and shapes well, but distorts sizes, particularly near the poles. Africa, being near the equator, is shrunk.

2. Scale: Maps often use a smaller scale for Africa to fit it within the confines of a rectangular map, further reducing its apparent size.

3. Historical Bias: European cartographers historically prioritized their own regions, downplaying the size and importance of Africa.

4. Map Projections: Other projections, like the Gall-Peters or Robinson, provide a more accurate representation but are less commonly used.


1. Africa is the second-largest continent, covering 30.3 million km² (11.7 million sq mi).

2. Africa is larger than China, the United States, and India combined.

To visualize Africa's true size, consider:

1. Comparing Africa to other continents on an equal-area map.

2. Using interactive digital maps or globes.

This increased awareness can help rectify the long-standing misrepresentation of Africa's size and significance.
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Views : 3,530
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 12, 2024 ^^

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RYD date created : 2024-10-16T18:50:16.982572Z
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3 months ago

Thanks. But I Already Know This :).


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