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Views : 2,964
Genre: Comedy
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 16, 2016 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Perhaps a better way to test it is in the context of a band to see how/if it cuts through in a live situation. Almost every wah I've tried (and liked) playing solo, was all but completely buried playing (live) with drums, bass, or other instruments.
As soon as you begin to approach the middle position of the pedal, all of the mids seem to disappear. While I'm not a big fan of mid-rangey guitar sounds, they're an essential component of a good, vocal-like, wah tone.
One would think that these companies would be wise enough to preserve the classics that put them on the map - and yet they haven't. Why try and reinvent the wheel?
Maybe it's a marketing thing, where they'll always be able to say they've got something 'new' and 'innovative' to offer. And maybe someone is making changes (for change's sake) all in order to justify keeping their design/engineering job with the company. Probably both. Who knows?
All I know is that the best wah pedals I've ever heard--recorded or live--were made in the latter part of the 1960's.
Anyway, I appreciate your videos, tasteful playing, raw--in a good way--tone, humor, and all around positivity. We need more people like you in this world.
By the way, if you haven't already, get in a band/start your own. What are you waiting for?
8 years ago
Wow great tones! All very similar. If we're splitting hairs then maybe the transitional wah
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