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Views : 177,302
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 7, 2013 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Thanks, it gave me the problem and from there I was able to fix the machine. I did not have to take the pump out since I found the blockage at the pump entrance, it was a sock. I didn't capture as much of the water rushing out as I had hoped so that was a bit messy so be careful if you don't drain tub first.
Thank you. I had to look up the actual removal of the pump but when I got it out the inside of my pump looked the same as yours. The machine ate a little of a cushion I washed the day before and although the pump worked on that the next load was SOL, the pump was clogged so it wouldn't drain. Cleaned it out and put it back in voila, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
folks, may of you have complained that I should have spent more time explaining how to remove pump vs talking about what clogged it up- PAY ATTENTION to the description where I clearly indicated if you click on the link you will find a very detailed article with pics on how to do it... AND if you read through the comments a poster put a link to a great video on a step-by-step on how to do it...I didn't find it necessary to duplicate someone else's work that will solve your problem...
7 years ago
My machine is draining again! Saw your video, clicked the article in the description, thought I can do this, and did! Thank you! I had the same fuzzy stuff clogging it up!
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