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Views : 8,742
Genre: News & Politics
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 13, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-12-10T10:17:13.403897Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The understanding to the muslims brother is to understand their lineage.. Ishmael the first born of abraham was given a blessing..your children shall be as the sands of the sea..both ishmael and issacs descendants grew to outstanding numbers over the other races...but they were given a man to follow and a book of instructions.. just like issacs son was given a man and instructions to follow..one is the chosen line in whom the LAMB would come as it is written..because our king deals in order and has always chosen one thing out of all things he created as it is written.. the next thing is understanding the other nations will hold on to the SONS OF GOD...even jesus our big brother told us "I have said that ye are gods"
2 weeks ago
It's strange to think that Jesus was the follower of a religion that didn't exist until hundreds of years AFTER the whole "being crucified" incident...
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