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License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 22, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2025-01-19T10:58:34.101923Z
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2 months ago
The reason the KG-225 fails to do bursts in night mode is because that K2 relay on the HV board develops an open coil. In order to do bursts in night mode, that K2 relay closes a ground connection that comes from the timing PCB to signal it to change the flashing. That is actually very similar to how Flash's SC-105 controller and K1 relay operate, as the night photocell closes 120VAC to that relay, and then the relay closes the ground connection going to the 2600 controller PCB to tell it that the system needs to go into night mode.
The K2 relay model is NT1-AC115V by Aromat/Panasonic, but they are very hard to find unless you get them from overseas on Aliexpress or something. I stopped trying to find the original relay and modded the power supplies to use newer relays in the ones I rebuilt. In terms of missing day flashes, that is usually just the trigger transformer or a flashtube that is almost out of gas. A loose ground/trigger return connection on the trigger XFMR can also cause that. Excelitas TR-132 trigger transformer is 20kV output just like the original and should work just fine as a replacement.
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