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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 21, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I like this not only cause it shows Eula's story, but because somehow they made it feel like Mondstadt is full of people. In game it always feels like there's only like 20 people that live in the city, but the parts of this that show other people make it seem like its a big city, just like it should be.
983 |
I keep rewatching this, over and over and over again. Everyone I've known that's been close to me as well as a Genshin fan has always said I'm most like Eula. I have to say they're right. For many reasons, they're right, both her backstory and how she currently is now both speak to me. So I guess it's why I can't help but rewatch this. It's like I'm looking at my own journey, reliving a bit of all that pain and then being reminded of where I am now and how far I've come from where I was. The choice of music, its part of why I rewatch it over and over again. The simple line, "your beauty never ever scared me" that resonates with me. Reminds me that I finally feel accepted, that I've finally found people who love me for who I am. So I'd just like to thank you for making this.
TL;DR: This video really deeply connected with me so I am thanking the creator of this video.
718 |
I remember her voiceline i think saying: "Not even Good Hunter would accept my mora.." and she was being badly treated by her family before joining the knights of favonius, one maid of hers went somewhere and said to Eula: "I will come back, Eula."
Edit: Siuuu mom im famous thanks yall
2.5K |
Tbh Eula is pretty inspiring. You can't deny she really has come a long way. Growing up with her family who's name is basically a stain that the nation wants to forget. She had to endure a lot coz of all that. Her life changed so much and all for the pursuit of "vengeance". She has one of the best friends she could ask for in Amber and became a Captain of the Fav Knights and is one of the strongest among them and dances like as a graceful royal and has 10/10 thi- legs. Anyways nice short. Glad she was my first limited 5*
180 |
2 years ago
Answer to your questions:
Anime name? This is a game and it's called genshin impact
Full video? https://youtu.be/rCLekTzKUrw
Song name? Mary on a cross
Don't you know the songs meaning? Yes,I know it's meaning
Character? Eula
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