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Views : 35,203
Genre: Film & Animation
Uploaded At Nov 13, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I have hydrocephalus. I have been diagnosed since I was 4 months old. What they don't tell you, is when you go misdiagnosed, you die. And there are diffrent types. You can have it from being hereditary, you can end up with it as you get older, you have some other disability like spina bifida, or your born with it. I was born with it, I have a huge cyst that is in my cavity right next to my brain. There is no possible way to opporate. Some you can opporate on and fix with out anything else to help and its curred. I was diagnosed at 4 months old. Back then, alls they new is you ended up dying. I had a shunt put in but It was experimental, so they didn't know how well it would work. no other doctors, have seen my shunt in other patients because I had one of the first ones, especially with the type I have. It can be manageable, but depending on which one you have, can be more difficult than others.
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My daughter was diagnosed with pseudotumorceribri, which is water on the brain that mimicked the symptoms of a tumor. Every two years, she needed the fluide taken in a spinal tap to reduce the fluide pressure around her brain. Unfortunately for her, that caused her to have unimaginable headaches.
A repeat spinal tap would releave the secondary symptoms.
Each person's biology needs to be addressed specifically for each individual.😇
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My father was diagnosed in the mid 70’s of Hydrocephalus. We had no idea he was having issues until he began acting irrationally. They did a brain CT and found his ventricles enlarged. They put in a shunt to help drain the CSF into his abdomen. Sadly, he was never really the same and ended up taking his life in the early 90’s.
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2 weeks ago
It hurts so much but at the same time it is gratifying to see that it was not Alzheimer's
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