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Views : 665
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 1, 2025 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Literally had this exact conversation with a friend during the election season when people were demanding various celebrities speak out about whatever topic. I told her, you only want celebrities to speak out when you want them to agree with you, and it’s a no-win for the celebrity because no matter what stance they take, they risk alienating a portion of their fans, so I see why some keep quiet. Not to mention they may not be well-versed on a particular topic.
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Our brains love stuff it already saw or heard. It's like how if you make a silly face or voice to a little kid they will just keep asking you to do it again. And if you come over in 3 months they want you to do it again and if you don't do it EXACTLY LIKE BEFORE they LOSE THEIR MIND. It's why bands have to play their hits at concerts, and comics have to repeat their biggest jokes when on the road with a new set.
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I don't always agree with your takes, and sometimes I'll even comment that. I don't get upset you have different takes though. We all have our own perspectives of, and experiences in, life that change how we view things. As long as the view isn't harmful to others it's fine.
I will stop following someone I listen to for their viewpoints if any of their views are harmful. I have unsubscribed from a few people because over time I realized that our views were too different. It's good to hear other viewpoints, but you don't have to continuously subject yourself to viewpoints you know you'll never agree with. It's best to get variety, but not all the varieties are good or necessary. I'll find a new person who varies from my views, and see if there's some understanding to gain there instead. I still find the new people through ideas I already hold, so there's always some common ground to start with. It might not make me question all my opinions, but it makes me more open to that person's opinions. I think that's a lot easier to achieve than seeking out people who believe the opposite of you. That's a clash, and it makes people less open to viewpoints because they get defensive.
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3 weeks ago
Because I’m feeling petty let’s list the things that people got mad at me for that I turned out to be right
- celebrity block list was unimportant
- Taylor swift would endorse Kamala
- gen z isn’t progressive
- The boycotts wouldn’t be effective.
- Donald trump might win by 2 points and polls are largely useless.
Probably more don’t care to find them.
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