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Uploaded At Jul 26, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
remember Eric Dollard has said that modern equipment doesn't have the capability to output readings correctly because they don't account for these "unconventional" waves and impulses, so think deeply when taking readings. Cheers bro! I was hoping for a different video than this but I'll be waiting patiently!
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Master ivo . I’ve been tuning my instrument for the last week. At times it sings the Moore’s lament, cohering me too longitudinal bliss: ) moments later it’s out of tune for a week. It is safe to say master ivo.......that u are one of the few, thank u . Try saying Nikola Tesla‘s name out loud, inhabit the current moment maybe express your gratitude.. your timing is divine.
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I have appreciated your thoughts and hard work on your journey, I just ordered the vector analyzer and if you could see it from others standpoints of how truly awesome you are in conveying these concepts I know we will get this, I know the ground is key, Tesla had some nice detail on the different pairings of impedance and capacitance to pump that ground. This may not be a helpful thought but I have felt like the final output has to operate with a set load. Looking forward to understanding this awesome problem!
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Having quite a bit of experience with Tesla coils and radio systems and electrical engineering in general, I completely understand how hard that is going to be. Some of these tuned circuits are only going to work in about a 3KHz range. That's likely less resolution than your VNA, but at least the VNA is going to get you close.
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Ivo I agree, tuning is hard.
Tesla did check the weight of each coil.
If you think of the middle tap of a AC transformer. Why?
I think it's like the dielectric mid point on a bar magnet, electric does not flow like we think it flows. It's look like magnets rotating (tumbling) in a copper wire.
Hope this helps... Regards DC
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Likely by now you have figured out things however... Essentially, you can take your 2 coil resonator and make that as your extra coil...
Then make a new secondary which is tightly coupled with the primary.
Same weight in copper as you know.
Just keep in mind the proportions required between a hammer and a bell...
To quote "a 1 oz, bell would be ill-served by a one ton hammer."
The key thing to look at is:
1 - the phase transition (phase crossing zero in a jagged line. This transition is the series mode, or normal quarter-wave freq of an Extra coil.
The impedance at that value is the drive impedance of the coil.
2 - the magnitude of the impedance ( |Z| will have a peak 5-20% above the series resonance. This is the parallel mode or longitudinal mode or 'tesla' mode.
I'm just a bit ahead in the VNA field and would love to help if you're getting your feet wet.
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8 months ago
I now effectively use the extra coil to transfer high voltage (and displacement currents) without the impedance of the tesla coil itself.
It is done by using the extra coil as a high voltage capacitor plate.
the other plate is a parallel resonant coil with very high currents (tuned by large parallel capacitor to the same frequency)
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