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Views : 20,241
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 11, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-07-07T22:53:53.7736Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Fax especially if we use gnosticism cosmology and kabbalah plus the weakest out of the celestial divine metaphysical heiarchy ( individuated consciousness) is capable of creating an infinite sea of multiverses that contains transfinite multiverses that are fractal and transfinite universes that are also fractal in nature , higher universes can view lower universes as fiction and each universe contains a universal fractal that transcend the concept of time and space plus type 4 multiverses exist plus absolute infinity plus jungian archtypes and platonic concepts and every universe contains every concepts and their opposite
Edit : a single physical reality or universe containe transfinite set of layers or deeper lvls of universes inside them each of this universes transcede the lower universes plus each of this universes/ layers has their own physical laws , their own concepts , their own language and their own mathmatics too . Plus cardinals and all kind if infinities exist plus the universe of sets and unified fields . These layers are consider to be subset of infinities by the way ( with the higher layers being higher infinities and smaller layers being smaller infinities ) all this i mentioned is only in just one physical reality or universe and there exist transfinite amounts of such universes each with their own fractal heiarchies and transfine recursion and each of these layers or universes in these physical universes contains universal fractals that transcend the concept of time and space
1 year ago
Bro sure does love the bible, Absolute W
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