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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 17, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-09-18T21:03:44.892135Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
There's a couple of things I want to say, so I really hope you read this through although it's probably going to be a long comment (my bad):
First of all, I know drinking water with chia seeds so that they fill up your stomach might seem like a good weight loss idea, but it's actually a health risk as you could choke on the chia seeds if they don't all go down to your stomach and keep on absorbing water. If you do want to eat them, please prepare them the right way🙏❤
Alright, This is the first time I've come across this channel and seeing what you're posting, I'm not super sure if this is your video or something you relate to but if it's either of those I just want to say that you're seen. EDs often go unnoticed by the people around us and I know how tough that is. First it feels like skipping a meal to lose a few pounds is the right and harmless choice to make, but that one meals slowly becomes more and more whilst you eat less and less. I dont exactly know what your situation is, but for a lot of people weighing less feels like an accomplishment that'll earn you the validation that you want and erase the self-hatred you have, but the truth is that it'll only get worse. If you want a sense of respect and love in your life, please know that love isn't something you earn by seeing the numbers drop on that scale. Never make the comments people throw around about how much you eat or weigh make you feel like you should eat less, the world has got plenty of space for you and I want you to take in as much as you want to and feel comfortable in it. I hope you're doing alright out there and staying safe❤️❤️
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Idk if i have ed cuz i dont have body dystopia but i still don't eat well i do only because my parents make me to the point there is no purpose in fighting but i always try to limit myself to one meal and it almost never works school is coming up witch makes things harder and i dont know what to do tho hopefully my plan doesn't fail
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You will heal from this. You will want to heal from this. When your body starts to hurt, and you can’t walk anymore, and you’re begging G-d to save you, you’ll wish you didn’t do this. As someone in recovery, fix it, before you ruin your body. Don’t be an idiot. You’re not just magically getting skinny. You’re starving. You are dying.
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3 months ago
I don’t wanna eat them bc right now I’m trying to gain weight. I’m very short and skinny in early middle school and I’ll be 5’1 and be like 115 pounds when I’m 18 so I’m trying to gain a lot of weight. Please pray for me because it’s not going well so far. ❤
Edit: thank you guys for the sweet comments and all these beautiful people who liked my comment ❤
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