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Views : 238,049
Genre: Gaming
Uploaded At Feb 1, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-06-11T08:45:31.872657Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Caustic wax:
Plastic planter - rose field
Candy planter - mountain top field
Tacky planter - cactus field
Hydroponic planter - coconut field
Heat Treated planter - coonut field
Petal planter - dandelion field
Blue clay planter - clover field
Red clay planter - clover fiel
Pesticide planter - has a likely change in spider and cactus field and a rare change in every single field.
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Also you can get a caustic wax plating a red clay planter in clover,tacky in bambu,candy in montain and plastic in rose (all have a coldown of 36 days)
Or if you don't have life,also petal planter in dandelion, heat treated and hydroponic in coconut, also have 36 days of coldown
In coldown,you can also get caustic wax,but is VERY RARE,is like get caustic wax from Riley bee candles
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Caustic waxes: (all of them have 36 days cooldown for a guaranteed wax)
Plastic: Rose
Candy: Mountain top
Tacky: Bamboo
Red/blue clay: clover
Petal: dandelion
Heat/Hydro: Coconut
Total:8 caustic per 36 days (most of u guys are mid game and don't have the last 3 so its 5/36days)
So: Buy the candy light bundle to get 10 caustic, grind like this to the next beemas(you'll get like 30+ caustic) and then buy the bundle again. Now you'll have 50+ caustic
Enough for the dark scythe boisssss
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1 year ago
Caustic wax:
blue/red clay in clover,
plastic in rose,
candy in mountain top
Edit: thanks for the likes I never had this much before <3
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