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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 18, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-11-18T19:09:56.457982Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
An explanation to why Nexus and the next is not that powerful
The next and nexus is the de-evolution of ultraman Noa, so they’re weaker in terms of physical capabilities like strength , speed, attack potency, power, stamina, durability, defence, endurance, abilities and hax.
But they still retain the knowledge, IQ, Battle IQ, intelligence, agility, skill and experiences if they don’t have a deunamist. All deunamist except the first gains control over The Next/ Nexus /Noa’s body and abilities.
So without the deunamist, the devolved forms of Noa are moderately strong but are not powerful due to the reduced physical capabilities. With the deunamist, Noa’s forms powers are reduced even greater due to Noa have to keep the deunamist alive while in battle and the deunamist not knowing how to utilize Noa’s power to his full extent.
One exception to this is in the Ultra galaxy fight destined cross roads. At that time, Noa chooses to fight in the Nexus form which means that Noa is in good shape and is handicapping himself to help absolute Titan and Ultraman Ribut cooperate with each other.
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1 month ago
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