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16,512 Views • Feb 13, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 16,512
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 13, 2022 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

thank you for uploading the crumbs of content destiny provides throughout his league gameplay.

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2 years ago

hear this. you can get minimum wage AND TIPS

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2 years ago

True, most servers make much more money in tips than they would if they were paid a flat wage of like $12-15 an hour

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2 years ago

not based, just slightly more intelligent than your average wow streamer

edit: now that i think about it, they should take away the ability to tip, donate, or give bits to streamers and just have Twitch pay them minimum wage.

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2 years ago

Tips shouldn't be mandatory or expected, they should be a bonus for quality or exceptional service or even as an apology, on principle. Positive reinforcement. The opposite isn't true however, not leaving a tip (even if service was horrendous) ALWAYS makes the customer an asshole cheapskate because everyone knows they earn less than minimum wage.
That's Asmon's point.

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2 years ago

Streamers in general have such little life experience when they spent their entire 20s living like 14 year olds on summer break

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2 years ago

I've heard people that work for tips complaining about tips lmao, it's just as a result of the vauge sense that "if you work harder you get tipped more" when that isn't ever the case, customers are always chea

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2 years ago

I thought the main issue that people always had was that I shouldn't be expected/ forced to pay more after my meal just so the server can get paid. Also I thought that defeats the purpose of a "tip" being that you tipped because you appreciated the service vs tipping because they otherwise wouldn't get paid. I don't think tips should be done away with completely just don't think customers should be expected/ obligated/ forced to pay extra

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2 years ago

The issue is in some states an employer can set your wage below the minimum, then only give you just enough tips to get up to minimum wage. Meaning the employer only has to pay 8/hr and you only get minimum wage, they still get most the tips.

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2 years ago

Imagine getting paid minimum wage with no opportunity to make more, Rather than getting paid much more than that, AND not claiming it all on taxes!

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2 years ago

If you want to argue against tips, fine. But stop pretending like you're doing servers and bartenders a favor.

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2 years ago

What’s even more wild is that this problem is by far the worst when it comes to US. There is no gaslighting the customer into paying more than the price written in Europe or Asia.

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2 years ago

I agree and disagree. For waiters it’s usually beneficial to work for tips over a standard wage, but there are jobs where people tip less, yet their wages don’t reflect that.

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2 years ago

where all the people working making double the average pay for of waiters lol.

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2 years ago

Lmao so true though. Without tips I'd make $16/hr per event. With tips it's easily $20.

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2 years ago

Holy shit, so many people here can't comprehend the concept of them getting paid an entry job wage AND getting tips instead of just the tips and the restaurant hogging more profit by paying them less.
Minimum wage should apply to paying everyone including waiters whether they get tips or not.



2 years ago

I don’t know about the rest of Europe, but I’m pretty sure we don’t have tipping in the UK.



2 years ago

naa man ive worked for tips and most people ive known who also did think they should get paid atleast minimum wage and shouldnt have their tips deducted from their hourly wage.

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2 years ago

This is just an American problem, as usual, he’s not wrong American waiters are so annoying because they want a bigger tip it’s so bad compared to countries that pay a wage to waiters

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2 years ago

real solution make tips not taxable


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