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Please boost to help a G-z-n mother alone with two kids!
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51,282 Views • Jun 19, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 51,282
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 19, 2024 ^^

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Rating : 4.973 (63/9,175 LTDR)

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User score: 98.98- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2024-12-17T08:36:16.706576Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


5 months ago

You know things are really bleak when an act of human decency is a censored word.

With so many people saying nothing of the ongoing tragedy, your refusal to stay silent about it is a testament of your humanity, Zhao.

1.2K |


5 months ago

My favorite TV show is definitely Avater: the Last Airbender. So much nostalgia and rewatching later on is still just as rewarding as the writing still holds up years later. My favorite episode has to be tales of Ba Sing Se. Even though each segment is short, it really portrays a lot about each character and their perspective on the world, its a beautiful use of short story animation!

I wish all the best to the families you're supporting and the many others out there who are facing such a horrible crisis.

127 |


5 months ago

Dang, YouTube is making you censor "donos" now? Baffling.
I'm so glad to hear that they've been able to get some of the aid they need! I literally can't imagine being in their situation. People can be so resilient.

944 |


5 months ago

ive been rewatching dimension 20: the unsleeping city and i forgot how much i love this season. its one of the only seasons of d20 i can watch cuz it's free on yt. brennan's narrating skills really shine in the unsleeping city

11 |


5 months ago

arcane is truly a masterpiece in storytelling. the characters feel real, the plot is simple yet interesting, the writing is simply unmatched. love it. can’t wait for season 2

235 |


5 months ago

Although I do feel powerless, you're continued boosting of these stories to help is outright inspiring.

I wish I could support in more eays. I wish I could at least think of something to say might just help one person feel better.

If you're still reading, please know you're an example that all humanity should follow. You empathy and compassion are off the charts. You're looking great, and hope you have a good day. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Even when you're feelig down, there's a random guy in Australia rooting for and believing in you.

43 |


5 months ago

When kindness has to be censored, you know that things are doomed. I hope everyone gets the help they need, I hope all families are reunited, and I hope this gets boosted to infinity and beyond. To anyone who can help, thank you for being a flicker of hope in this darkness.

My favorite show at the moment is The Good Place. It has really helped with my anxiety during my religious deconstruction. I hope every one of you who pass by this comment are doing well ❤

139 |


5 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing and spreading awareness!! I am a minor and want to help but at the moment I have no money to donate to the many families in Palestine!! So I thank you for using your platform! My favorite TV show at the moment is Dead End Paranormal and Craig Of The Creek both of these show have so much representation and have fantasy and interesting story telling in each and every one while also giving LGBTQIA rep, POC representation, Disabled Representation its just amazing! From the river to the sea Palestine will be free Permanent Ceasefire For Palestine

21 |


5 months ago

I have a cat named Lucy and her favourite hobby is hissing at walls, empty closets and occasionally shadows. I think she can see ghosts and is just trying to protect me

87 |


5 months ago

Im glad to see so many creators making videos about this and helping those in need. Theres so much negative stuff out there and seeing people show so much support really restores my faith in this world❤

76 |


5 months ago

As a minor in the states who does want to help but doesn’t have many direct ways to do so, I’m glad that I can still help. Even if it may not be the biggest, I’m still glad and hopeful that just commenting something long can truly help Nada and her family as well as other innocent individuals who have been suffering as a result of “you know what and who”.

157 |


5 months ago

My heart goes out to each and every one of these people
It's just so sad that the governments are truly doing nothing for these people in need, but every time I see a video like this and all the comments on it, my faith in humanity is restored a little
Hope this helps!!!

12 |


5 months ago

It's crazy that you are literally the only person i follow on here that is actually using their platform for him. Thank you for not being a piece of sh*t. I really liked your book and now I can be excited for the sequel without feeling gross.

73 |


4 months ago

It’s always a good feeling to see people with platforms actually taking action to do good whenever they can. It’s so easy to just close your eyes and pretend that there isn’t a genocide occurring like many others have, but you have been consistently uplifting voices that need to be heard and reminding people that the atrocities are still ongoing. I respect the hell out of your posting during this time, and I hope this comment gets more eyes on the fundraiser.

7 |


5 months ago

Currently rewatching adventure time with my younger brothers who haven’t seen it yet. That show is like 20% wholesome, 70% random insanity for no reason, and 10% the most profound commentary on the human condition ever made

162 |


5 months ago

I'm very glad you're making these videos, and you're completely right - we're not as powerless as we think! In fact thinking we're powerless is part of the problem. Hoping that Nada and her family get all the help they need ❤️

7 |


5 months ago

My favorite is the good place, I absolutely love the romance between Chidi and Eleanor. The twist that is was the bad place all along is brilliant. And michal slowly becoming more human tugs my heart strings, i wish the best for the family your helping out, sincerely me

85 |


4 months ago

Thank you for showing that an impact is being made. It is so easy to loose hope, and that can be deadly. The moment we loose faith, we stop trying to help. We owe it to these people to keep going. Please donate if you can, watch multiple times over, leave long comments, and interact with other comments

5 |


5 months ago

Its so kind of you to use your platform to help a family! Exposure it everything here!

29 |


5 months ago

Inside Out 2 is my favourite movie out of the ones that I have recently watched. I loved the ending so much! It's definitely a good message; being that all emotions play an important part in Riley's life, even anxiety, who can be used to prepare for upcoming important events. Definitely a great movie!

4 |

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