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"How To Sell The Negro" (snippet from BLACK SUN album)
 High Quality Audio
1,414 Views ā€¢ Jul 3, 2017 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
Download today: ahmedsirour.com/album/1774401/black-sun

This is the second of the sneak preview for the Black Sun album. As mentioned before, I will be posting additional previews each Monday until the album release day on August 21st (the day of the total solar eclipse in America). This is an excerpt from the song, "How To Sell The Negro", and features the renowned Emmy-nominated poet, spoken word artist, author of the no.1 African-American book of poetry on Amazon ("Conduit"), and one of the coolest & smartest Black men I have the pleasure of knowingā€“Jon Goode!

The title is a twist of its original inspiration; an honest-to-God marketing film from 1954 entitled, "The Secrets of Selling the Negro" (Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā THEĀ SECRETĀ OFĀ SELLINGĀ THEĀ NEGROĀ (1954)Ā Ā ). The song carries multiple connotations that expands the idea around how to "sell" Black people, whether that means to sell them on something superficially material, sell them on an idea (in this case propaganda), or even just sell...them. Before Jay Z dropped "4:44", Jon and I had already begun working on this song, but it's poignant that Jay's song also speaks to the financial empowerment of Black people, who thus far have an un-unified spending power of over a trillion dollars.

There's always room for more music content speaking to African people of the diaspora to start thinking in terms of group economics and circulating our money back into our communities, because no one is going to empower us except ourselves. This is the people/culture who, for example, created blues, jazz, rock & roll, gospel, soul, funk, hip hop, house, etc should be banking on their creations (instead of being bankrupted literally and by appropriation) that has changed the face of the world...and that's just in music alone.

You can pre-order now, and while I haven't mentioned any incentives as of yet, it will be coming, trust ;)
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Views : 1,414
Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 3, 2017 ^^

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