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Views : 7,838,875
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 1, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Fun fact : The reason why these nicknames exist is because the character system in Chinese makes it so that the actual names of the celebrity is very time consuming to type out on the most commonly used Chinese keyboard (pinyin).
The characters used for names are often uncommon ones that, after typing out the pinyin, you'd still have to scroll down quite a while and search for the character you want. Plus, foreign names are often way more complex than Chinese names.
2.7K |
1 year ago
Can some of you not try and smugly "correct" me with your bare minimum Google Translate Chinese knowledge, little sister in Chinese is MÈIMÈI, this is MÉIMÉI. Tones make a difference in Chinese.
24K |