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Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 13, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Most forgotten scriptures by preachers when thinking about how Salvation can happen. Words of Jesus to his followers, "Anyone who receives a Prophet, because he is a Prophet, shall receive a Prophet's reward. Anyone who receives a Holy Man, because he is a Holy Man, shall receive a Holy Man's rewards. Anyone who receives you receives me, and anyone who receives me, receives the one who sent me."
For some reason they think only confessing Jesus is how people can stay out of eternal punishment. "Under heaven, there is no other name given by which men must be saved." <- Can not and does not make null any words of Jesus. This means preachers and believers are misunderstanding that verse or others similar to it. Yes, by name there is no other name (if the topic is BY NAME), but Jesus sitting on the throne in Matthew 25 proves he lets in people (Sheep of his Father) based on their Works of Mercy and they interacted with believers but never confessed Jesus. How they interacted with Believers is how Jesus and his Father went inside of them. Not by WORDS (NAME) but by ACTIONS (Sign Language). Which is greater, your name or YOU? Do you judge people by if they know your NAME or if they live how you APPROVE?
The Holy Spirit showed me this and told me, Never Forget what Jesus teaches in private. Nobody can nullify his words. NOBODY.
1 month ago
Thank you and amen❤