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Uploaded At Sep 20, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This guy wasn't a gym teacher, but one was involved. Also, trigger warning for SA.
I hope I got far enough down, but when I was in middle school, our gym and it's locker rooms were being renovated, though it was for the High School. We heard that a teacher from the high school was beat and arrested and later learned why. He had brought 3 high school girls, 14-15, to the still closed off locker rooms and assaulted them. The only reason they spoke up is because they were all friends and one was the daughter of another teacher, History and the middle school girls gym teacher. She brought it up to the school board, there was an investigation and, well, being from a very small southern town, he was mysteriously "falling into things" a lot before he was in jail. We got that info from a friend in my grade, about 12-13 years old for us, because her dad was one of the cops.
I heard the girls where fine and now have very happy lives, graduated colleges a few years back. That guy, though, is very well dead, inmates take child predators very seriously.
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She was fired after swearing at students and throwing a desk at two of them (from what I heard), she just walked out and never came back to school. there’s a possibility that she actually just quit her job, And the story could’ve been made up because honestly, she genuinely didn’t seem like the type of person who would throw a desk at a bunch of kids and I never saw the aftermath or any evidence from other teachers about it. The worst part is that I remember that she was a singer that sang on cruise ships, played the guitar, and was a teacher for a really long time.. I miss her, but shit really went downhill.
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Middle school and I was in 6th grade so well over a decade ago. A special education teacher was accused and I think found guilty of inappropriate touching of a special needs girl. His son was in 6th grade too and I had him in one of my classes in elementary school. The kid left not long after his dad was fired/arrested. I feel bad for the kid. He wasn’t bullied as far as I know.
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I got a teacher fired from my daughters school. The teacher constantly bullied not just my kid but others. She would call the kids names and tear up their work. What sent me over the edge was it was the start of Covid and we just got back from a trip to Disneyland. My kid was hugged by friends said they missed her. But when she went to that teachers class she told my kid don’t touch anything I don’t want you to give me Covid you probably picked it up from your trip. After that the kids being kids teased her saving she had Covid and wouldn’t go near her and the teacher encouraged the teasing. After that class she went to the office where they call me saying she was crying and wouldn’t say why but she couldn’t stop. When we got her in the car she told us everything. We spun the car around and stormed in. I let out all I kept in about that teacher. They switched my kid from her class and the next day school was closed. When they started doing online school I got a call from her old teacher she seriously said she call cps if she wasn’t online with camera on. I told her she will not she isn’t in your class. She said yes she is you think telling the principal what I did would do anything your wrong they don’t care how I treat MY students. I said it will now because I am going to the school superintendent who I happen to know because I worked for the school district. I told her never to call me again or I report her to cops for stalking. She hung up but the minute I saw she was calling I recorded the whole thing. And I sent that to the superintendent and told him about what she was doing. Next I heard was she was fired from her tenure and wasn’t even allowed to complete the yr. Which was hard to get fired at that time seeing as Covid was starting lmfao and it’s even harder to get hired as a teacher. She had to move out of town to get a job because we lived in a one school district town.😂
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4 months ago
"On to catch a predator"
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