Navigating Politics and Faith: Dr. Vincent Bacote on Community Engagement and Abraham Kuyper
The Political Christian
Sign up for the Apollos Watered newsletter...… Help support the ministry of Apollos Watered... Should Christians be involved in politics? The answer to that question can be fast and furious. I mean, there's a spectrum of beliefs out there in regards to our political engagement from the side who believe we should never be engaged, because that's a worldly thing to do to those who are advocating for a Christian nation. But how should we navigate these very chaotic waters in which we find ourselves?
You know, over the past few months, we in a Apollos Watered have had many different discussions in regards to politics and our involvement in it. And of course, we know that this entire process is fraught with confusion, which is why we have our special guest today, Vincent Bacote. Doctor Vincent Bacote is a professor of theology and the director of the center for Applied Christian Ethics at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.
He's the author of reckoning with Race and Performing The Good News In Search of a Better Evangelical Theology, The Political Disciple A Theology of Public Life, The Spirit in Public Theology: Appropriating the Legacy of Abraham Kuyper, and has contributed to books including On Kuyper, Aliens in the Promised Land, Keep Your Head Up, and Prophetic Evangelicals. He's a regular columnist for comment magazine and contributes to other magazines including Books and Culture, Christianity Today, Think Christian and Regeneration Quarterly in journals such as Christian Scholars Review and several others.
Urban mission, the Journal for Christian Theological Research. He's a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and Society for Christian Ethics. He resides in the Chicago area, my old stomping grounds and with his family. And today he's a guest on Apollos Watered. Doctor Vincent Bacote welcome to Apollo's Watered!
Join host Travis Michael Fleming as he converses with Christian leaders from around the globe to tackle the critical issues we face with a dash of humor, biblical insight, and cultural wisdom. Apollos Watered exists to encourage and equip you and your church in your missionary encounter with Western culture through resources and recommendations to water your faith so that you can water your world!
Music: I'm on a Roll
Artist: Grace Mesa
Sound design by Kurt Hawthorne
Edited by Sajid Chohan Videography...
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8 months ago
Any hostility is justified. When a world doesn't want to believe or live by your fairy tales.
You live how you want to live and allow others to live as you want.
Christians aren't the persecuted they are the persecutors.