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Views : 45,457
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 30, 2023 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.999 (2/6,970 LTDR)
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User score: 99.95- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-05-07T07:58:46.843367Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Quick opinion about the audio.
Yes it is worth it, all the pain is something that will go away even if it’s for a second, it will go away. Also striving for constant happiness is a impossible task. People have their ups and downs that’s just life. A person who goes through life wishing and fighting for Happiness is fighting for an unstable and unreliable idea. What a person should strive for is peace, peace with themselves, with their relationships and just with the world.
Also I love the art ❤❤❤
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Trigger warning
I was friends with someone online when I was 13. They were 27. I viewed him as a father figure. they sometimes ignored me or guilt tripped me, but I just kinda ignored it. I was always the one reaching out. Even so, in my time knowing him my mental health was better then ever. Sure, I had bouts of sadness whenever I was with him, but I was happy. Then, I lost access to my only form of contact for a month and a half. When I got it back, someone told me that he was a pedophile. He was trying to date a 15 year old. More happened after that, but in short, he Denys it. I feel guilty. He never did anything to me so I don’t really have proof, but even so, I get distressed just thinking about him.
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I kinda thought the same way the other day when I went to see the ocean for the first time. Everyone told me it would be so overwhelming that I would see myself in perspective with the universe or something. I didn't. I just say with the waves lapping at my feet, faked a smile, and got a sunburn. All I could think about was how happy everyone else was, how underwhelming the whole experience was, and how depressed I felt.
1 year ago
This is absolutely beautiful, you have an art style that is literally breathtaking. The audio matches so much with the song too
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