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72 Views • Feb 20, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Since when fish is vegan 🌱 ?😑

Well, well, well, hold on to your taste buds, folks, because we've got a hummus video from Kaufland, Germany that will have you hooked! Get ready for the ultimate taste sensation that's both vegan and...fishy?

That's right, you heard it here first, folks! Kaufland's vegan hummus may just be the latest innovation in aquatic-based veganism. Who knew that fish and crustaceans could be so versatile? Move over, tofu and tempeh, there's a new vegan protein in town.

Now, we can't confirm whether or not this hummus actually contains fish or crustaceans, but we're willing to suspend our disbelief for the sake of comedy. After all, since when has fish ever been considered vegan? We must have missed the memo.

So, whether you're a die-hard vegan, a pescatarian looking to branch out, or just a foodie who loves a good laugh, this hummus video is sure to reel you in. Don't be shellfish - share it with your friends and let's all marvel at the wonders of the oceanic vegan diet.

#Hummus #funnyfails #trustissues #notvegan
#HummusFail #FishyBusiness #NotAsAdvertised #TrustNoOne #VeganGoneWrong #FoodieFiasco #IngredientSurprise #LaughingOutLoud #PlantBasedProblems #CanIGetARefund #FunnyVeganFails #TrustIssuesInFood #NotSoVeganAfterAll #VeganHummusGate #FishInTheHummus #VeganConfusion #HilariousFoodMistakes #VeganOrNotVegan #WhenFoodLies #VeganBetrayal
#funnyshorts #funnyclips #funnymoments #funnyvideos #funny
#yourslovinglypavi #ylp #supportsmallyoutubers

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Views : 72
Genre: Travel & Events
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 20, 2023 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.273 (2/9 LTDR)

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User score: 72.73- Positive

RYD date created : 2023-02-20T15:28:28.67746Z
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1 year ago

Das steht wegen Allergikern darf weil in derselben Firma auch diese Produkte verarbeitet werden das heißt nicht dass sie im Produkt enthalten sind



1 year ago

Kann Spuren von xyz enthalten heißt nicht das diese dort 100% ig drin sind. Somit geht das klar

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