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Uploaded At Jul 12, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I'm a fixit guy these days who unclusterfks a lot of stuff done by lic. electricians. But then I also have a EE degree and a lot of experience working in industrial environments.
I also have 2 pro supply shops to go to for getting the proper parts. Being semi retired, I work for a lot of older folks and charge them a low rate in honor of my mom who taught me ethics.
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I see this kind of stuff a lot as in the marine field. Just found residential 10/3 in a yacht panel that has 2 shore power inlets. One 30amp and one 50amp. Someone installed a washer dryer and hooked the orange 10/3 to the main breakers directly and crimped the solid 10guage to have the eyelet terminate to the screw. The crimp was loose, caused heat and a failed connection when the dryer and 2 marine ac's were pulling on the 30amp side. So dryer uses 30amp wire for 220v. That means two hots a ground and neutral. Most boats dont have a 220v breaker. So they put one on the 30amp main. One on the 50amp main. There was no overload protection on that 50amp. Putting 30amp 10g wire on a 50amp main is asking for trouble. Your also not supposed to put it on the main but there was no 220v breakers as shore 1 and 2 were seperate. Also the orange residential 10/3 is not allowed for marine applications. You only uses stranded marine grade wire preferably tinned and every termination gets eyelets. Never crimp solid wire and never wrap wire around a terminal screw on a boat. Never use wire nuts on a boat. Solid wire fails when exposed to movement fatigue on a moving boat over time. This burns down marinas.
I took care of a mall for about six years all the HVAC. There was a store being retrofitted, and some fly by night. Contractor was in there, gutting the place. Security told me they ruined three sets of bolt cutters. I asked Security how? They were cutting through 480 V three phase power supply wires live with bolt cutters.
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4 months ago
😂 contractors do work just as badly. Just check out the new home inspections
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