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Views : 8,436
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 28, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
What is the point of all this when we’re half assing the procedure???? I have performed in a combat environment with all of the gear that is required….
Practice makes perfect with your J list suit…. Lineup 12 your dudes on one side of the room and 12 of your dudes on the other side of the room and have them face each other…. If and when they come under attack during an alarm red MOPP level four——-they need to be able to get their gear on as fast as possible and to do it in the dark during night operations as well…. They need to have that feel and then their teammate across from them needs to cross check them….
Make sure on their suit that the Velcro underneath the chin and that the hood is secured and that we have our white inserts and gloves squared away and then close up our gas mask holder….
They should be able to do this with their eyes closed and then their teammate across from them needs to cross check them and vice versa….
Make sure that you put a canteen on the right hip and left hip so if you need to sleep during combat operations in your suit you can lay on your back and try to be as comfortable as possible….
I would not recommend wearing the boots unless there is tons of chemicals on the ground and could contaminate your feet….
Grab your weapon and haul ass to the nearest bunker and be ready to defend or in most cases be ready to hide out and wait for your area to be cleared or sustain yourself in a chemical warfare environment….
Each soldier should have a teammate and stick together—— two-man teams due to limited visibility especially at night it can get extremely stressful if you’re not comfortable with wearing this all the time….
Good luck!!!!! ❤️🙏🫡😢🇺🇸🇺
5 months ago
Been there, done that. Something I will never forget.
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