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Video id : FEA-WmziiWY
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0 Views • Apr 3, 2018 • Click to toggle off description
Southern Ontario, Canada, Tuesday April 3, 2018. Media covers for massive geo-engineering of the atmosphere for the purpose of weather and biological warfare against their own populations hidden behind the banner of "Climate Change". It appears they want to kill all the new spring growth via the kook criminal scientists and engineering teams responsible who together technologically manipulation the atmosphere. On Monday April 2, 2018 just the day before, the planes were up en mass blasting the skies in Southern Ontario with chemtrails creating a relatively thin but effective sun blocking, shaving cream like man-made layer of haze the media simply refers to as, "building a cloud layer" or "cloudy". The media, who are part of this grand criminal conspiracy remain silent about the direct link between the chemtrailing of the skies using aircraft and other means as well as the coupled integrations of massive electronic frequencies that are blasted across the skies in order to massage the material spewed by the planes to form a sun diminishing canopy covering the entire sky overhead. Of course you can bet that the governments of the world are working together in this massive coverup to defraud and manipulate the people, weather and world environments. They too keep the populations in each of their respected countries distracted with nonsense and ignorant of these heinous attack by wrapping themselves in a cloak of virtue signalling and the constant trumpeting of, "Keeping You Safe".
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Genre: News & Politics
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 3, 2018 ^^

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6 years ago

MEDIA CONTINUES 2 PROMOTE STAGED DRILLS AS REAL EVENTS                                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7drO5e_hlw&feature=youtu.be



6 years ago

This should shed important LIGHT on the geo-engineering of our skies and the subsequent and constant man-made, fabrication of, artificial cloud cover drastically reducing solar radiation to the Earth's surface as well as why we are being bombarded with ECO-CRAP lighting and LED bulbs further reducing the natural amplitude, magnitude and spectrum of "warm" NATURAL light all behind the banner of "energy conservation". I will submit to you that Solar Radiation Management has little to nothing to do with reducing sunlight getting to the earth's surface for Global Cooling purposes but rather it is a DIABOLICAL method, working in conjunction with other insidious programs like GMO's, fluoride in the water and WiFi radiation et al, as BIOLOGICAL WARFARE with the expressed purpose of dumbing down the masses further worldwide. All other benevolent excuses for Geo-engineering, Chemtrailing, Global Dimming, Climate Change, Solar Radiation Management etc. are simply masks to cover their premeditated and EVIL ongoing plans.
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6 years ago

Paid liars at Environment Canada                                                                                                    www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEA-WmziiWY&feature=yo…



6 years ago

PAID LIARS - MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND ENVIRONMENT CANADA                                          www.680news.com/2018/04/03/wind-warning-issued-tor…



6 years ago

Superdarn Fires up. Caught on Mimmic Microwave Satellite.                                                   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r18qxZNf9uk


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