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Views : 342
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 29, 2022 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2022-05-29T19:59:54.702467Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I'm very sorry that you got a father like that...
The fact that some people treat their children like that is honestly disgusting...
He doesn't deserve you, or anyone else
Thank you very much for existing<3
Please, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do, please tell someone, ok?
Don't be afraid to end a toxic friendship
Don't be afraid to make new friends
Don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends
Your parents aren't enough, you deserve so much more!
You don't have to do everything alone
You don't need to feel alone, you aren't..
I'm here if you need me,ok? <3
Have a good day/night :)
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2 years ago
Storytime i guess
To your information: I didn’t think I reacted too dramatic back then and I still don’t think so.
So back then I had a (shitty) friend with…weird parents. When I went to her house, I often got asked if I would stay there for lunch/dinner, and of course I would stay there, because I really liked that friend back then. When my family was about to move to another apartment we asked her dad to paint the wall white (for money of course because they said they could do it and did it already once or twice) Anyway, when my dad and her dad were discussing the details and the money they somehow talked about us too. And later I got scolded because I didn’t pay for the food? Like wtf,they invited me? I told my father that they asked me to eat with them but he didn’t believe me. (He actually never believes me,I learned my lesson now) And btw that friend isn’t shitty because of this, the reason why she’s shitty is because she lied very often and talked behind my back but I only found this out when I was already nine and about to change school.
After that we didn’t meet that often at her house (I didn’t want to). There’s another part of this,but it’s really weird and this doesn’t fit to the video content. (Btw,painting the wall white didn’t go that well,we had to pay a lot because the work wasn’t done well.)
Part 2 (doesn’t belong to the video’s content):
So,when my family moved we had a problem and that was that the house we would move to wasn’t done yet. So I had to stay somewhere else. My father asked her family to ket me stay at their place for 10 days and payed them 200€. While I was at their house my father often came by and brought some things for them and some food. The thing is that they even wanted to ask me, to ask my father to bring them toilet paper wtf.
And after that I had lices… Their cats had them and somehow their whole family had them. I should have stayed somewhere else back then. After that I used my whole summerholidays just to get them out. :/
If I would write this much for my french essay my grades would be better (I only wrote 5sentences for it lol)
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