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Uploaded At Oct 4, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Being attacked spiritually while you sleep is real. I have struggled with this for years. Sometimes I must wake and pray, God hears me and protects me and he will protect you if you are experience this. It is scary, but our heavenly father will protect you with his love and light. Do not think it is just a feel or you are crazy.
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Thanks for this. I was born again about 6 months ago, and days after committing to Christ, i had a dream in 2 parts over a couple of nights. I was walking into a shrine with demons and dark figures everywhere. On the walls the ceiling everywhere, but there was a thin clear path leading to a huge demon who looked mostly human, who had a translucent, glass like skin. He was shouting but his mouth wasn't moving, and he was cursing me, saying i couldn't leave them. I wasn't scared tho, and felt like i was in control, even tho i was surrounded. Since then my faith has kept growing. Christ is King!
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I used to have sexual dream, where I was sleeping with a woman that kinda almost look like one of my co-workers, that happened to me when i believed in christ, and I immediately rebuked that in Jesus name, now i have a consistent prayer life and these dreams and demonic almost non-existent, but once you stop thats when they attack you silently.
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This happened to me. I commited a sin I was not proud of and took me time to repent. When I did ask Christ for forgiveness I felt spiritually alive. Later I had weird dreams of demos, one was a young woman trying to chase me but was unable cause I was walking on a path that "it" wasn't able to follow and on its defeat it made it's mouth like a snake with sharp teeth. But I was not afraid cause I knew I was on a safe walking path
Then in another dream there was a dark fog, in my house in a basement, then I confronted it and expelled it in the name of Christ and the dark smoke flew away scared and made like a pulse or shockwave that pushed me back and when I got back up it the dark smoke was gone.
It's a real thing. No bad dreams since then.
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3 months ago
Speaking from experience, calling the name of Jesus in these dreams always works. The demons always fear His holy name.
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