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Fraudulent Billy Graham Deceitfully Ignores the Bible To Mix Christianity With Devilish Religions
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1 Views • Nov 3, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
This one minute short video comes from our full length video "Filthy Rich Billy Graham Unites With False Religions & False Gospels To Gain Popularity & More Money" at    • Filthy Rich Billy Graham Unites With ...  . See our playlist "Dealing With Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Idolatry & the Virgin Mary" with 290 videos at    • Dealing With Roman Catholicism, Easte...  . Hunt mentions that Graham says that the Pope & Graham agree on almost everything & their differences aren't important. 1. Graham receives honorary degree from Catholic college 2. Turns Catholic converts back to Romanism.

1950 -- The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) was formed and Harold Ockenga would become one of the directors. That same year Roman Catholic Cardinal Cushing promoted Graham with the words “BRAVO BILLY” splashed on the cover of his magazine, making news all across the country, and leading the evangelist to say: “That was my first real coming to grips with the whole Protestant/Catholic situation. I began to realize that there were Christians everywhere. They might be called modernists, Catholics, or whatever, but they were Christians” (Bookstore Journal, Nov. 1991).

1952 -- Billy Graham told reporter William McElwain of the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph (Sept. 6, 1952), “Many of the people who have reached a decision for Christ at our meetings have joined the Catholic church and we have received commendations from Catholic publications for the revived interest in their church following one of our campaigns. After all, one of our prime purposes is to help the churches in a community.”

1953 -- Billy Graham “locked himself into a room in New York City for an entire day” with theological modernists Jesse Bader and John Sutherland Bonnell, that he might ask them questions and receive their counsel. In an article in Look magazine the next year (March 23, 1954), Bonnell testified that he and most other Presbyterian ministers did not believe in the virgin birth and the bodily resurrection of Christ, the inspiration of Scripture, a literal Heaven and Hell, and other doctrines.

1956 -- Christianity Today magazine was formed by Billy Graham, with Carl Henry as its first editor-in-chief. This would be the premier voice of positive-emphasis, non-judgmental, non-separatist, intellectually respectable, New Evangelical Christianity.

1957 -- Billy Graham’s evangelistic crusade in New York City was sponsored by the liberal Protestant Council and featured prominent theological modernists. Here Graham began his life-long practice of praising rank modernists, when he spent about 10 minutes eulogizing Jesse Baird, a well-known liberal and apostate, calling him a great servant of Christ. This crusade was the catalyst for Graham’s break with fundamentalists such as Bob Jones, Sr. and John R. Rice of the Sword of the Lord.

--------- Methodist Leslie Weatherhead, who denied the blood atonement of Christ, said, “Graham is helping to fill our churches. We can teach people theology when we have got someone to teach” (Leslie Weatherhead: A Personal Portrait, 1975, p. 199).

--------- At his San Francisco Crusade, Billy Graham honored modernist Bishop James Pike by having him sit on the platform & lead in prayer and by speaking at Pike’s Grace Cathedral. Graham honored Pike again at his 1960 Detroit Crusade.

1958 -- An official follow-up of Graham’s San Francisco Crusade reported that of the roughly 1,300 Catholics who came forward, “practically all remained Catholic, continued to pray to Mary, go to mass, and confess to a priest” (Oakland Tribune, Wed., Dec. 17, 1958). The chairøman of this crusade was Methodist Bishop Gerald Kennedy, who denied practically every doctrine of the Christian faith and who had endorsed Nels Ferre’s blasphemous 1953 book The Sun & the Umbrella.

1978 -- In October, Billy Graham held a crusade in Catholic Poland. Upon being met at the airport by Bishop Miziolek, chairman of the Committee on Ecumenism of the Polish Catholic Church, Graham said that this adventure represented a new spirit of cooperation that was a constructive example for Christians in other nations (John Pollock, Billy Graham, p. 308). Four of the rallies were held in Catholic churches, with priests participating on the platform with Graham. While in Poland, Graham visited the Marian shrine of Jasna Gora (featuring an icon of the Black Madonna) in Czestochowa. A picture in Decision magazine for February 1979 showed Graham welcoming pilgrims to the shrine. In the minds of his Catholic observers, this put Graham’s stamp of approval upon the idolatrous Mary veneration that is featured at this influential shrine. In his book Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Pope John Paul II testified that his personal devotion to Mary was developed at Marian sites such as “at Jasna Gora” (p. 220).

Click    • Dave Hunt Says Billy Graham Said Cath...   for Dave Hunt Says Billy Graham Said Catholicism Was False in 1948 But By 1952 Graham Agreed With It!
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2 months ago

This one minute short video comes from our full length video "Filthy Rich Billy Graham Unites With False Religions & False Gospels To Gain Popularity & More Money" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbx-D54VI-0&t=1164s. See our playlist "Dealing With Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Idolatry & the Virgin Mary" with 290 videos at youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFFA8D69D1B914715. Hunt mentions that Graham says that the Pope & Graham agree on almost everything & their differences aren't important. 1. Graham receives honorary degree from Catholic college 2. Turns Catholic converts back to Romanism.

1950 -- The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) was formed and Harold Ockenga would become one of the directors. That same year Roman Catholic Cardinal Cushing promoted Graham with the words “BRAVO BILLY” splashed on the cover of his magazine, making news all across the country, and leading the evangelist to say: “That was my first real coming to grips with the whole Protestant/Catholic situation. I began to realize that there were Christians everywhere. They might be called modernists, Catholics, or whatever, but they were Christians” (Bookstore Journal, Nov. 1991).

1952 -- Billy Graham told reporter William McElwain of the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph (Sept. 6, 1952), “Many of the people who have reached a decision for Christ at our meetings have joined the Catholic church and we have received commendations from Catholic publications for the revived interest in their church following one of our campaigns. After all, one of our prime purposes is to help the churches in a community.”

1953 -- Billy Graham “locked himself into a room in New York City for an entire day” with theological modernists Jesse Bader and John Sutherland Bonnell, that he might ask them questions and receive their counsel. In an article in Look magazine the next year (March 23, 1954), Bonnell testified that he and most other Presbyterian ministers did not believe in the virgin birth and the bodily resurrection of Christ, the inspiration of Scripture, a literal Heaven and Hell, and other doctrines.

1956 -- Christianity Today magazine was formed by Billy Graham, with Carl Henry as its first editor-in-chief. This would be the premier voice of positive-emphasis, non-judgmental, non-separatist, intellectually respectable, New Evangelical Christianity.

1957 -- Billy Graham’s evangelistic crusade in New York City was sponsored by the liberal Protestant Council and featured prominent theological modernists. Here Graham began his life-long practice of praising rank modernists, when he spent about 10 minutes eulogizing Jesse Baird, a well-known liberal and apostate, calling him a great servant of Christ. This crusade was the catalyst for Graham’s break with fundamentalists such as Bob Jones, Sr. and John R. Rice of the Sword of the Lord.

--------- Methodist Leslie Weatherhead, who denied the blood atonement of Christ, said, “Graham is helping to fill our churches. We can teach people theology when we have got someone to teach” (Leslie Weatherhead: A Personal Portrait, 1975, p. 199).

--------- At his San Francisco Crusade, Billy Graham honored modernist Bishop James Pike by having him sit on the platform & lead in prayer and by speaking at Pike’s Grace Cathedral. Graham honored Pike again at his 1960 Detroit Crusade. 1958 -- An official follow-up of Graham’s San Francisco Crusade reported that of the roughly 1,300 Catholics who came forward, “practically all remained Catholic, continued to pray to Mary, go to mass, and confess to a priest” (Oakland Tribune, Wed., Dec. 17, 1958). The chairøman of this crusade was Methodist Bishop Gerald Kennedy, who denied practically every doctrine of the Christian faith and who had endorsed Nels Ferre’s blasphemous 1953 book The Sun & the Umbrella.

1978 -- In October, Billy Graham held a crusade in Catholic Poland. Upon being met at the airport by Bishop Miziolek, chairman of the Committee on Ecumenism of the Polish Catholic Church, Graham said that this adventure represented a new spirit of cooperation that was a constructive example for Christians in other nations (John Pollock, Billy Graham, p. 308). Four of the rallies were held in Catholic churches, with priests participating on the platform with Graham. While in Poland, Graham visited the Marian shrine of Jasna Gora (featuring an icon of the Black Madonna) in Czestochowa. A picture in Decision magazine for February 1979 showed Graham welcoming pilgrims to the shrine. In the minds of his Catholic observers, this put Graham’s stamp of approval upon the idolatrous Mary veneration that is featured at this influential shrine. In his book Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Pope John Paul II testified that his personal devotion to Mary was developed at Marian sites such as “at Jasna Gora” (p. 220).

Click www.youtube.com/shorts/Kgm5R4ILafE for Dave Hunt Says Billy Graham Said Catholicism Was False in 1948 But By 1952 Graham Agreed With It!


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