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Views : 101
Genre: Howto & Style
Uploaded At Sep 21, 2023 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2023-09-22T00:09:15.077024Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The way better patch is on EX5. Thus to ne EX5 sounds better. Also the samples are longer/better. Other shortcomming could possibly bev adjusted, but if your target is being an SY99-expert someday, go with the 99. If your lucky with its presets, also go with the 99. If you think you won't program any of those, go with the synth with the more favorable presets.
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I own an EX5r and an SY99 and, while both are great instruments, the EX5 is better. The advantage of the SY99 is it'S FM engine, which is pretty good. Against that, the EX5 has a physial modeling engine, unique DSP effects, and a Virtual analog (AN) engine. Both have AWM sample engines (althogh the samples on the EX5 are better.) All in all, the EX5 is a mch better sounding--and also much more unique sounding--instrument.
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1 year ago
Well as some of you already know ... got both. My 'desert island' synth of course is the '99 (of which I now have 3!!! + the even got the more gritty '77 too!!!). EX5 is still an amazing synth, a keeper too naturally. keep up the great work on this channel VC ππ
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