64 Views • Sep 12, 2017 • Click to toggle off description
I,m in a process of creating my first official advanced drumbook:
Its concept is in some way simular to Ricks Licks drumbook, but with a more advanced level. The actual licks contain of hybrid rudiments on snaredrum,Frank Zappa style influenced beats and licks and a Virgil Donati/Marco Minnemann influenced exercize prelude with the focus on odd times and interdependence...
Concrete : + 125 Licks/Beats and at least 35 pages of excersizes to get to that level...
Over the last 10 years I composed hundreds of pages and I got actually to a point that its time to structure the overkill of information and put it into a drumbook....Yeah!!!!! Choosing is a bit hard, because looking at a page create new thoughts and new excersizes, For example: I wrote 3 pages more because I wasn,t satisfied today after seeing 3 other pages....The process never ends..
I feel blessed and honoured to put this into the world... Its something I dont doto feed my ego, but conscious to let the 21th century progressive drummer have some tools to build further on, to make a contribution to the world of drumming and rhythms...
Thanks to all the people for believing in me and their support!!. I have so much passion and drive, sometimes my body can,t handle it because the lack of sleep... Boredom is something I like to avoid and if things can be better they need to get better...;)
On the other hand I,m aware of all the contributions we all human make together to make a better place here on earth and help eachother to become our best versions... Let me be my best version as good as I can...
Peace, Jeroen Simons, 12 Sept 2017, Goes, The Netherlands.
Ps. I was laughing to see my feet and socks on, totally out of any context and they don,t do anything...hahahaha...
Metadata And Engagement
Views : 64
Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 12, 2017 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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2 years ago
Amazing job