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108 Views • Oct 10, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
"Fatty, Teddy Bear, Panda, Buffalo etc." – these are the nicknames bestowed upon me by those close to me! I began gaining weight after my 12th grade exams, which marked a significant turning point in my life. This change brought about profound shifts. Friends, family members, and even neighbors began body-shaming me. The weight-related comments hurt me deeply, causing tears then and even now.

The situation escalated when my own parents started referring to me as "Fat" in front of my friends. Due to my demanding schedule, I find it challenging to dedicate time to weight loss efforts. Adding to this, my university friends are now joining in on the laughter.

It feels as though my body has become a source of pain for me. Despite having an attractive face, I struggle with self-confidence due to my body's appearance – or more accurately, because of the societal beauty standards that have unfairly shaped my perception.

**Confessor is unrelated to this video, as the video in question is purely commercial in nature**

#bodyshaming #bodyshamingiswrong #bodyshamingisforlosers #bodyshamingsucks #bodyshamingisnotokay #bodyshamingstopshere
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 108
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 10, 2023 ^^

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Rating : 5 (0/5 LTDR)

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2023-10-10T16:52:14.99126Z
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