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Views : 2,013,405
Genre: People & Blogs
Uploaded At Oct 17, 2021 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.956 (735/66,851 LTDR)
98.91% of the users lieked the video!!
1.09% of the users dislieked the video!!
User score: 98.36- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2022-04-09T06:42:27.144748Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
"I was so, scared she put me back in that case, but you save me... You are perfect, you perfect to lose... I'm sorry, I can't let you leave. I've never met anyone like you. Do you know how long I've been stuck in that. I had so much time to think and reflect time to figure out exactly what I would do when free... Will set things right, but I know that whatever I need you too, do you are capable... We will... What?!?"
107 |
Once the talk of the town, Poppy's smiled turned to a frown, her love from the boys and girls, succumbed to the constant marketing twirl, whilst new toys were chosen to play, Poppy stayed in her box to this day, but now a new person has come along to begin this horrific tale, will they win or will they fail? will Poppy save them from where they fell? or will she let them be sucked into this factory of hell?...
Edit: sorry about misspell, and as for the profile pic, I don't care I've already gotten hate on it, I like it
1K |
3 years ago
This one was so beautiful! It feels like a tale of sadness is being told as the song plays... Thank you for sharing it with us!!!!
2.3K |