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Top Comments of this video!! :3
We all need to remember that trauma, should not and cannot EVER be compared, because it’s just not that simple. Each person who’s gone through trauma has different experiences, and they each handle said experience differently. It’s not a simple tier list, it’s a complicated mess. Greg went through hell in his childhood, and so did Steven. Would most consider Steven’s trauma as worse? Yes, probably. However that doesn’t mean Greg’s is any less valid.
Thank you. 🫶
877 |
Damn.. I feel so bad for the both of them. I felt for Greg so, so much, but I also feel for Steven. Super weird to relate to the both of them, yet I can truly see how they both felt- Steven craved structure because he had none, and Greg craved freedom, no matter how intense, because he had none.. And they could only look at each other's trauma-filled life through a rose-tinted mirror-- The dynamic is so good(not healthy, but written well), I cannot describe how perfect, at least in this moment, that it was written! Foils of each other, yet two sides of the same trauma penny,,
109 |
Honestly I'm on Greg's side. Greg was doing his best being a single dad with no support from family and little support from the gems at the time other than the occasional visits until Steven moved in with them. He's a kid that ISN'T like other kids! He's the ONLY kid like himself! This isn't a case of a kid having a disability or abnormality, this was legitimately something science could never understand or comprehend and there's no baby book to answer certain questions Greg might've had. There weren't many options for Greg other than getting help from the Gems with Steven's gem and powers. He was just doing his best with the information and experience he had.
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Greg is the type of parent that basicly lets his kid do anything and let's everything off too easily most of the time. It isn't neccessarly bad or neglective cuz he obviously loves Steven and cares about him more than anything but this is exactly why he didn't want to control his life. And because he didn't want to be like his parents, he wanted to get away from that life as far as possible. Sadly because of this he never really learned to be...responsible enough to properly take care of a kid especially on his own (for a while at least) not to mention all the gem stuff that very much affected him too. He followed his dreams and made them possible but forgot about reality and the harshness of it. And so he couldn't teach Steven about that part of reality either, heck even if he could he probably wouldn't have wanted to.
Honestly I think people hate Rose for the same reason because she and Greg aren't so different. Rose also had a dream and a near impossible and a bit insensible goal at least in her culture. And she also wanted to get away from her previous life as much as possible even tho from the outside it "didn't look as bad" but we don't know just how bad it was. I guess in a way her goal was even more noble because she didn't just want to discover herself but also wanted to fight for others and protect her loved ones. So I guess both of them priorotised "freedom" too much but forgot about reality and the consequences of their actions and their responsibilities and ended up hurting the ones they tried to protect.
106 |
We shouldnt be comparing their trauma...it's not the trauma tournament.
I went through all of school very socially isolated from my age group and I still suffer from it in my daily life. Rejected by my peers. I've been yelled at by teachers, bosses, and overlooked by the people who were supposed to help me. I have been frozen in time and unable to let it go. I get many emotional flashbacks from those periods of my life. I still carry the same insecurities with me.
Some kids could take being yelled at by an authority figure and brush it off. Some people are resilient and even prefer socially cutting themselves off.
Circumstances affect people differently. What might seem like a small inconvenience to one person can affect another person for life.
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11 months ago
I'm sorry, this young man has been mutated, beaten, abducted, and caught in the fallout of an interplanetary war and Greg has the GALL to say that he's better off????
It was at this moment that I lost respect for Greg. It was at this moment that I knew Greg didn't even try to comprehend the pain and fear that his son was living with.
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