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21,806 Views • Aug 15, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 21,806
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 15, 2022 ^^

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Rating : 4.968 (22/2,754 LTDR)

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User score: 98.81- Masterpiece Video

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

This country needs more women like you.

32 |


2 years ago

The fact that feminists would say that you’re brainwashed for merely bringing your husband a cup of coffee, says more about their misery than it does about your contentment.

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2 years ago

You are the Woman of the Century! A role model for others for sure. Keep teaching the ladies please!

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2 years ago

You’re a real woman…women like you bring out the best from their men!

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2 years ago

You are not mad. He is one lucky guy he met a level headed normal woman.

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2 years ago

Women like this should be cherished. They motivate men to be the best they can be to take care of those who exhibit qualities she exhibits. This is a highly successful model when both do their parts.

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2 years ago

I love serving my husband! He never asks or expects me to but is always grateful when I do it, which makes it even more necessary for me

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2 years ago

Your love and dedication to your husband is admirable. You are appreciated.

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2 years ago

you are a UNICORN in todays world Jennifer, hes a lucky man and hopefully NEVER takes you for granted

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2 years ago

You are doing it right!!!
Never change that.
My wife and I are, each other's 2nd marriage. We are in our 60's and have been married 31 years. 4 kids, 4 grandchildren. We are a close knit, God centered family. We do stuff like this for each other all the time, and it's wonderful. Unfortunately, my work takes me out of town for months at a time, so we miss each other tremendously. When I do make it home, it's very special and the times are filled with love and companionship. I still and always will hold the door for her, pull the chair out for her at restaurants, do everything in my capabilities to make her feel special, because she is my bride and my life long best friend. ❤️🙏

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2 years ago

This woman is a treasure

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2 years ago

You make me cry, that's what a wife should feel proud of 🙏🙏🇺

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2 years ago

Love embodied in action. He is a fortunate man. So many of us are starving for this.

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2 years ago

I enjoyed 38 years of living like this with my beautiful Nancy. She went home in 2021 due to covid. Even among good women, I can't imagine finding another like her. And I don't see myself trying; it wouldn't be fair to anyone to have to compete with Nancy's memory. She was honored to serve me, our 10 kids, our community and those who were guests in our home. And she knew how to graciously receive being served; she never made that awkward.
I still remember, in my 60's, getting giddy at her arrival home from just a trip to the post office. Fact is, I would almost always want to go along with her. I was so proud to be seen with her.
The most wonderful woman, for me, ever. I thank God every day for the wonderful years together.



2 years ago

When you both feel like you're the lucky one, and the other naively thinks they have the better end of the deal, you're in a good place! Keep up the 'act' and enjoy the plentiful love you fill your home with, thank you for continuing to provide hope to this young man!

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6 months ago

I adore my husband as well, and feel honored to do little things like that for him. ❤ I love making him breakfast before he goes to work and having dinner ready when he comes home. I feel it's the least I can do. And ladies, when you have a good man, and you take care of him, he will take care of you. I was diagnosed with cancer 4 months ago, and have been doing chemo....feel awful most of the time. He has been by my side at every treatment, made sure I'm taking the medicines and supplements I need, has researched all sorts of alternative cancer treatments, and hasn't let me go to bed crying a single night in all this time. He's my favorite person on this earth, and I pray I get to grow old with him. ❤



1 year ago

Jennifer, I get you! I completely agree with you. 👏💯🔥 Women forgot how to be women

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2 years ago

He’s a very lucky man. You are an amazing WOMAN 👩🏼👍

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2 years ago

What a wonderful awesome rewarding man God bless you both

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2 years ago

My wife makes coffee in the morning and we sit together and talk. It's more about the togetherness than the coffee.

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