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Uploaded At Nov 27, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Sister, I have read your many comments and opinions about Indian s and Hindus...And I can conclude that there are many misconceptions...
So, let me take you back in time
The time when India, Pakistan and Bangladesh were a single country..but when the Britishers invaded us they used "divide and rule" policy means divide the Indian citizens on Hindu and Muslim and make them fight each other to rule the country(British India) properly...From then many fights between Hindu and Muslim started to occur...Later in 1947, when the country gain its independence the Britishers decided to divide the country the division takes place in Punjab and Bengal(two states of India) The state divided by Punjab and other states became Pakistan (muslim majority)and the state of half Bengal became "East Pakistan"(muslim majority) and in between our India(Hindu majority)
Unfortunately, my ancestors were left in the land of west pakistan and situations become worse... daily riots against hindus were very common in east pakistan many were killed and tourched so my ancestors being a Hindu decided to come India to live there in west Bengal(state of India)Later situation gets worse and Pakistan didn't care about west pakistan(now bangladesh) and many economic crices and famined occurred which raged the people of Bangladesh and started its freedom movement...with the help of India and USSR it finally gains its independence and declared "Bangladesh"(muslim majority Bengali speaking nation)
The conditions were stable under "Bongo bondhu" nation father and her daughter "Sheikh Hasina's"goverment
But recently I think you know that their regime has changed and the new government of Bangladesh has committed mass genocide against us hindus including destroying our temples, idols killing our childrens, daughters and many more... which is very very bad
And if I talk about our India, it may be a hindu majority country but our constitution always gives everyone equal rights and opportunities...
Let me tell you something about my religion,
Hinduism is the most oldest religion of the world following Sanskrit the oldest language in which our holy book is written in
It learns us to respect other religions and people and the concept "The entire world is our family" it never preaches violence against other communities... Hindus are very polite in nature which the Muslims take advantage and harming us in every way possible for many years we have to tolerate the violence against us being majority in number but now for past few years we have learn to fight to defend ourselves to save our nation, culture and glorious past so we have to became rude in some case to protect ourselves to protect our interest we never spread hatred against others its the muslims in Pakistan, Bangladesh and some in India who always mocks us hindus and Christians too...Have you not seen that what Bangladesh did to Hindus in past few months? What do you think they are too innocent? They have only ignited us to become what we are today but conducting mass genocides against our community...You don't know the ground reality there are many relatives of mine living in Bangladesh you can't imagine the problem the tourcher they are facing during the current regime...Have you ever seen a Hindu terrori**? Never!!! Bcoz our religion is not like that... Today Bangladesh has arrested the isckon leader for no reason? Is this right? There is also a iskcon organisation near my house and many Russians and Britishers live there we live together is peace and harmony..
I don't know what your bangladeshi friends have told you
But sister trust me me myself being a Bengali have only offered you the reality and truth...any kind of doubts you can ask me..tnks for collaborating
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1 month ago
Love from bangladesh 🇧🇩
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