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Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 4, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Sorry guys I couldn’t text it okay? I’ll explain. I had a very good friend but one time she started crying and then the next day she stopped being friends with me. She was being so rude mean and I was like figuring why she was running away then I been friends with and then when I was, I was sitting alone.💔
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2 months ago
Year six, I was In the “smart class” for three years with all my friends but when year five hit we got a new teacher who I didn’t like, I asked to be taken out of his class for year six, I made friends in my new class but my other friend group got really mad when I stopped hanging out with them.
My uncle was diagnosed with stage four cancer so we had a lot going on and I couldn’t audition for the high school I wanted to go to, I live near it so I got in as a local but I don’t get to do the same stuff as my friends who auditioned.
My new friends got toxic real fast so I joined back to the old friend group and lived pretty happily for a while
Eventually when my uncle passed away i went to WA for the funeral, one of the guys from my friend group got REALLY mad cause I wasn’t hanging out with them for a week (they didn’t know I was away because I didn’t want to tell anyone my uncle died) and when I arrived at the funeral I went to the bathroom to check my phone and they were all really mad at me because I wasn’t there at lunch, I got removed from the GC a lot but eventually came back and every thing was fine
I know they’re toxic but I’ve only got a few weeks till the really bad one moves so yay
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