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Uploaded At Oct 19, 2024 ^^
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People who have no idea???
I will explain:
So this game is called: "Bad Parenting" in 2002.
Ron: Represent to the Doll's Childhood.
Mom/Mother: Represent to the Mother of Ron which was yelled by Dad.
Dad/Father: Represent to Abusive from his family
Mr. RedFace: Represent to the Master of the Doll/Kidnapping children
Story 1: Mr. RedFace PART I
It was Ron's birthday today at midnight and her mom entered the door.
Mom's based of her sentence:
Mom said that she wanted a sympathy and came home late. Surprised by Ron, mom said that she has a gift called "Mr. RedFace". Base of her sentence is true.
Ron's based of his sentence:
It was his birthday today midnight but he got yelled by his dad. Because the dad thinks that the mother is tricking the child Ron.
Dad's action:
slaps mother
yelling mom and Ron
Mr. RedFace went to Ron's room and took his dad , also left a gift that is a appearance to Ron as a Doll
Mr. RedFace Actions:
also drunk
Ron picked the doll and the doll speak to Ron. That Ron went to the kitchen for his favorite dish. The doll stood for magic trick to see that his dish would never run out.
The doll accidentally broke dad's drink, Ron asked where's his dad? Doll explained that his dad got kidnapped by his master. To get his dad back he went to his parents room and get his dad's radio. Which is like elevator buttons he pressed 3 buttons but he probably pressed the right button on the right. He went to the parents closet and discovered a secret forest.
There was a cat who is just checking information. Ron asked where was his dad. The cat asked for his information. Ron said that his dad is a bit to kind often, yells, slaps, bad words. The cat said that he is behind the door that the dad is in there. Ron got jumpscared by kids are just getting their parents. Ron continue to get his dad from prison kidnapping. The dad got afraid by his son. Ron don't even know why ? Ron got up and send back to his parents closet. Mom got a bit angry cause of hiding Ron in there. Ron thought it was a hallucination.
110 likes to continue🎉 (rlly not begging cause im tired)
So mom let her son to his room and Ron got a vision about got jumpscared from Mr. RedFace. Ron woke up midnight to see his mom. The mom will take 1 day to look after Ron. Ron woke up morning but Ron thought that mom's promise was broken he asked his doll to get his mom. Ron went to the closet and saw mom crying in a hidden room. The doll let Ron throws a spell. Mr. Red Face went to the room and disappear. Ron went back to his closet and saw Ron's mom and dad in the entrance door. Dad complaining about mom working early and mom decided to divorce his husband and the dad went to get his drink and he was drunk and went to Ron's room. Dad was hurt¡ng Rotn and cr@cked his neck and Dad went to Ron's closet. Ron was terrified about the doll that got sn@pped... Ron was dead over 14 days and he was talking to dad back in prison but the dad's seeing was Ron scared his dad, and the mom crying not over vision and talking to the police. The mom got divorced from his drunken husband and send over to a real prison murdering his own son.
Thats the end....
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SPOLIERS: Dose anyone remember when the mothers neck slowly went like a 360 when ron was in the closet? Near the end, rons neck is just like the mothers in the closet dead. and also the 3 kids that where there may have gotten killed by mr. Redface. One of the kids died in a trunk of a car, one of them got burried alive and one of them died in a fire. Did you know this ?
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2 months ago
я рыдала от конца бедный мальчик...
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