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Views : 2,755,011
Genre: Entertainment
Uploaded At Oct 24, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.955 (1,838/161,990 LTDR)
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User score: 98.32- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-12-01T18:32:10.727376Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I carried one in the Portuguese Army in the eighties. They were manufactured in Portugal under Licence and sold to many Countries, including Gemany itself. Mine was exactly like this one, parkerized, same slotted handguard, same black anodized aluminum magazine. Such a stupendous rifle! The ejected cases fly out with only slightly less energy than the bullets! They land more than 20 meters away...
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Oh my good God! Bring memories from the army. When we aim through the iron sights to 300 meters. If the enemy was hit by this wishes to die because if he lived then would be very hard for him. This rifle is a beast in all aspects power size weight. The recoil i remember if you didn't place it against with power to your shoulder was brutal like you had be kicked by a horse. I remember very well a fellow soldier with a massive black bruise. Lol. But overall if i gonna go to a battle i always prefer it anyday.
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4 weeks ago
I joined the German Bundeswehr 1984/85 and the G3 was my gun. Great experience!
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