PokeVideoPlayer v23.9-app.js-020924_
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Views : 7,422
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 28, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Naturalist 3.0 Concept
New animals including:whale sharks,giant squid,koalas,,hyena,Komodo dragons,beluga whales and narwhals,hedgehogs and porcupines,plankton,centipedes, tarantula,stork,shoebill,anteater,gazelle,woodpecker,fench and sparrow,bison,worm,sea cucumber and sea slug,horseshoe crabs and triop fish,water bear,skunk,crickets,and krill.
131 animals.
New whale variants including:beaked whale,blue whale,bowhead whale,grey whale,sperm whale,and right whale
New items including:bug spray,amber grease,fish tank,sweater,boots,butterfly plush and anteater plush,a rattle from a rattlesnake,bird house,cooked and raw worm,blue blood from a horseshoe crab,and bug lollipops
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Best animal addon without a doubt but... it would improve if you added 30+ new animals
Shoe-billed Stork, Spotted Hyena, Wild Wild Dog,
Jackal, Cheetah, Snow Leopard, Anaconda, Reticulated Python, Pet Cobra, Koala, Gazelle, Bongo, Orangutan, Snow Lince, Ring-tailed Lemur, Chimpaze, Water Tiger Turtle, Monitor Lizard, Komodo Dragon, Cassowary south, Ema,
Electric eel, crow, bison, tarantula, giant anteater and common anteater and lastly the Malay tapir and the normal tapir, roadrunner, gilla monster, platypus, caracal, puma, heron.
new behaviors such as the anaconda and the python would swallow their prey and wrap themselves around them, the spotted hyena would kill the zombies and eat the rotten flesh, the cheetah would only hunt animals smaller than itself or slower
The bite of all big felines and also hippopotamus and alligator would cause low slowness, which would be like if it bit our leg, sometimes it would cause weakness, all reptiles, sometimes being very rare, would drop dead skin.
the felines would jump like the vanilla fox in the game, they would also bend down to hunt
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3 months ago
Please make lions tameable with meat
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