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Views : 460
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 12, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Not to mention, we have thousands of pages of writings from Church Fathers in the earliest centuries all citing the same scripture, if it got changed someone would have noticed immediately. Having thousands of people who learn a text, hinge their salvation on it’s message and don’t agree with each other on everything makes it really hard to just mess with things.
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A bit delusional here, no written work that old survive in its original form. From things be lost in translation over many centuries and many translations, too intentionally adding or removing things. Which various leaders did overtime, (religious or otherwise), especially with the various denominations preaching "their version is right"
8 months ago
From the first century.
You don’t think the definitions between all those languages will differ.
The Bible was not written in English.
From Shakespeare to now the English language isn’t the same.
How can The Bible not have changed.
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