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tutti frutti recipe | Homemade tutti frutti recipe | टूटी फ्रूटी रेसपी
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2,580 Views • May 14, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
#tutti-frutti #tutti #frutti

Welcome to our youtube channel foodzone by akki, today we will make tutti fruity that too with watermelon peels, so let's start
Here we have taken the peel of watermelon, cleaned it well, we will remove its top layer and cut it into small pieces in this way.
Now we will boil it in water for 5 minutes,
It has been 5 minutes since boiling, now we will take it out in a vessel, its water has drained well
On this I have taken a vessel and mixed 3 glasses of water and a bowl of sugar in it
Now we will wait till it comes to a boil when the sugar dissolves well.
Then we will add tutti frutti to it, our sugar has dissolved now we will add tutti frutti to it.
And keep it going continuously. In a little while
We will boil it for 10-15 minutes and in the middle we will add few drops of vanilla flavor
They have boiled, now we will take them out in small bowls
Now we will add food color to it and leave it for 3-4 hours.
Now we will keep them in a vessel in a thin layer and leave it to dry for 12-13 hours.
After drying our tutti frutti is ready

स्वागत हैं आपका हमारे यूटूब चैनल foodzone by akki में, आज हम बनाएँगे टूटी फ़्रूटी वो भी तरबूज़ की छिलकों से, तो शुरू करते है
यहाँ पर हमने तरबूज़ की छिलके ले लिए है, उसको अच्छे से साफ़ कर लिए है इसकी ऊपर की लेयर हम निकल देंगे और उसको छोटे छोटे टुकड़ों में काट लेंगे इस तरीक़े से
अब हम इसको ५ मिनट के लिए पानी में उबाल लेंगे,
उबलते हुए ५ मिनट हो गए है अब हम इसको एक बर्तन में निकल लेंगे इसका पानी अच्छे से निकल चुका है
यह पर मैंने एक बर्तन लिया है और इसमें ३ ग्लास पानी और एक कटोरी चीनी मिला लिया है
अब हम इसको एक उबाल आने तक wait करेंगे जब चीनी हमारी अच्छे से घुल जाएगी
फिर हम इसमें टूटी फ़्रूट्टी मिला देंगे , चीनी हमारी घुल चुकी है अब हम इसमें टूटी फ़्रूट्टी मिला देंगे
और इसको लगातार चलते रहेंगे थोड़ी थोड़ी देर में
इसको हम १०-१५ मिनट तक उबलेंगे और इसमें बीच में हम वनिला फ़्लेवर की कुछ ड्रॉप डाल देंगे
ये उबल चुके है, अब हम इनको छोटे छोटे कटोरियों में निकल लेंगे
अब हम इनमे फ़ूड कलर मिलाँगे और ३-४ घंटे के लिए छोड़ देंगे
अब इनको हम एक बर्तन में पतली परत में रख कर १२-१३ घंटे के लिए सूखने की लिए छोड़ देंगे
सूखने के बाद हमारा टूटी फ़्रूट्टी तैयार है

tutti frutti recipe | how to make tutti frutti | tutty fruity with detailed photo and video recipe. a sweet and colourful confectionery candied fruit mainly prepared from the raw papaya's or from the choice of berries. it is generally used for toppings in ice creams, desserts or cakes without any individual recipes from it. generally, these candied fruits come in bright red colour, green and yellow colour.

tutti frutti recipe | how to make tutti frutti | tutty fruity with step by step photo and video recipe. there are several names to this sweet confectionery across the globe but in india, it is also known as candied papaya. as matter of fact the only india, the tutti frutti is made from papaya and in other countries it is made from berries and chopped fruits. in india it is mainly used as toppings to custard, cakes or ice creams.
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Views : 2,580
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 14, 2022 ^^

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