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Top Comments of this video!! :3
We are actually in agreement. That’s what I was saying ❤ True Salvation comes with repentance. I was cautioning how that doctrine can be misinterpreted for people who are not in the word and just hear “believing he sacrificed for you will save you” because that has a lot of people thinking that they’re saved. When in reality, true faith, breeds relationship, which breeds repentance.
I wasn’t insinuating that there could be salvation without repentance, I was actually saying the EXACT opposite ✝️
I agree with part of what you said, the reason people don't preach your doctrine lies in Ephesians chapter 2, verses 8 and 9.
If you tell someone they have to try not to sin in order to have sincere salvation, they will think that means they have to do WORK in order to get to heaven, when in reality the work was done by Jesus when he lived his perfect life and made a sacrifice for our sin on the cross.
Your doctrine is partially incorrect because it implies that someone can be saved and not repent, which isn't true. Repentance is a byproduct of salvation, you cannot have one without the other, if someone is truly saved they won't be doing what you described and mindlessly be sinning, that's why faith without works is dead, because you physically can't have works without salvation based faith, it's impossible, and likewise if you have salvation based faith then it's impossible to sin without repentance or conviction, because when we get saved the holy spirit dwells in our hearts, preventing us from straying away from God. If someone has the holy spirit, they will not reject what Jesus has taught us, they will have works to show for their salvation and they will understand that Jesus paid the price for our sin and the work was done when he lived a perfect life for us.
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And there is no such thing as God condemning his own creation. God doesn't condemn anyone's soul no matter who they are, what they have done, what they believe or don't believe, or what religion they are raised in.
Our spirits are created perfect and eternal. Flesh can affect spirit but flesh can not change the nature of spirit. Born again theology is purely psychological. Our spirits do not need to be born again, that's silly.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."
KIS........Keep It Simple.
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2 months ago
So my lady, good girl. I listened to your video this time before commenting. 🙂Grasping OSAS in your heart shows me that you understand love. Now take it a step further and understand divine love. Divine love is unconditional. Divine love does not condemn the human soul.........Ever.
Soul condemnation is simply not true. God doesn't condemn any ones soul/spirit, man and his religion does and then it teaches us to condemn ourselves.
For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. 1 John 3:20 That John was one smart thinking guy.
We are loved with an unwavering, eternal love. ALL OF US!
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