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Father of the Reconquista - King Pelayo #spanishheritage #asturiasspain #pelayo
 60 FPS video
276 Views • Jan 10, 2025 • Click to toggle off description
The father of the Spanish Reconquista, The Victor of Covadonga, The First King of Asturias, The great Pelayo.

After the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire, Visigoths were left as the primary rulers of the Iberian Peninsula. Early in the 8th century AD however, the Umayyad Caliphate of North Africa would cross the straights and conquer Visigothic land all the way up to modern France. However, some areas around the Cantabrian Mountains in the north remained unconquered.

Pelayo, from this defiant region in the north, rallied Christian fighters together who had fled there from the caliphate and launched his rebellion.

Following a recent loss in France, the Umayyad commander Al Qama wanted a victory to bring back to the Caliph, so he decided to put down the rebels in the mountains. With a large force of veteran troops, he marched on Pelayo’s rag tag band of Asturians and other Christians and demanded their surrender. Pelayo, however had a plan…

Pelayo, knowing he would be pursued, refused terms and lured Al Qama into a mountain pass at Covadonga. Al Qama sent his veterans in first and once they were jammed up in the pass, Pelayo’s archers opened fire from the heights. The Umayyads returned volleys as well, but they were in too deep. Pelayo and his men burst out from their cover and charged Al Qama’s men. The Umayyad soldiers began to flee.

As the Moorish soldiers fled to the countryside, Asturian villagers seized the opportunity and attacked them. Al Qama himself would fall here. With victory at Covadonga, Pelayo rallied more men to the cause and thus became the first king of Asturias.

Asturias would continue the reconquista efforts after Pelayo’s death and eventually, as the fight moved further south establishing a new base of operations was necessary. In doing so the Asturians started the Kingdoms of Castile and Leon. This effort of reconquest continued until 1492 when the last Moorish strongholds fell back into Christian hands.
The Asturian King who began the struggle of Christian reconquest is buried at Covadonga, where he won its first victory.
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Uploaded At Jan 10, 2025 ^^

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1 day ago

Como me gustaria poder tener la certeza de que era sobrino de Roderic, ultimo rey visigodo de Spaniae...


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