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The Real Face of John Adams - Life Mask Real Faces of the Founding Fathers Presidents
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14,624 Views • Oct 1, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
The real profile face of John Adams based upon his 1825 life mask by John Henri Issac Browere.

▬About Digital Yarbs ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

I'm a Photoshop composition artist who enjoys history. I reconstruct life masks, statues and busts of famous early Americans and historic figures.
Using life masks, I completed a forensic/academic study of how the subjects most likely appeared using Adobe Photoshop to add flesh, hair, and other details. My website, Digital Yarbs features reconstructions and animations of these life masks along with a little history and how the subjects might have looked in daguerreotypes and photographs.

To understand what these historic figures really looked like we cannot rely on paintings as they suffer from “artistic license” and “sympathetic treatment” commonly employed by many contemporary portrait artists. Before photography, the art form of the life mask was the best way to create an exact likeness of an individual. Basically, plaster would be applied to the head and sometimes upper torso to create a mold from which a life mask or bust of the person could be cast. This would result in a three-dimensional, faithful transfer capturing in minute detail the true likeness of the subject.

Website: yarbs.net/

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#shorts #johnadams #realfaces #foundingfathers #presidents #uspresidents #broughttolife #digitalyarbs #lifemask #president #1776 #americanrevolution #declarationofindependence
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Views : 14,624
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 1, 2022 ^^

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Rating : 4.989 (1/374 LTDR)

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User score: 99.59- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2024-06-30T17:35:49.398492Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

One of our best founding fathers, He was a brilliant lawyer and statesman. He does not get the credit he deserves.

50 |


2 years ago

Beautiful. I adore Adams

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11 months ago

If Adams were to run for president today He'd lose just because of the way he looks not because of his mind.

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1 year ago

What an angry looking man! 😂

"Either you are stark raving mad, or i am! Good day to you, sir!

25 |


1 year ago

You just showed me my great x5 grandfather. I don’t know what to say. Thank you. This is uncanny.

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2 years ago

This is Amazing. Like stepping through a time portal.

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2 years ago

yea but this is what he would have looked like in 89 or 90 years of age if it’s from 1825

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1 year ago

I would like to see a younger version of him like around 1776.

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1 year ago

That had to be kinda depressing for him at that stage in his life considerint abigail and many of his children and friends were dead, with Jefferson and two of his children left. Getting senile sucks.

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1 year ago

Wow that is cool



1 year ago

I would love to see a young version of him with a white wig and his face based off of Bill Thompson (who would have voiced Adams if he appeared in Ben and Me which he never did).



1 year ago

Baby, don't hurt me... no more...

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1 year ago

El historiador MARCELO GULLO OMODEO en su libro «Nada por lo que pedir perdón. La importancia del legado español frente a las atrocidades cometidas por los enemigos de España». Editorial Espasa. Madrid 2022 nos recuerda a los hispanoamericanos quién fue este abogado norteamericano:
El sentimiento antiespañol existió en EE.UU. desde su fundación, la joven república lo heredó de su madre patria Gran Bretaña; de mano de los colonos anglosajones la Leyenda Negra cruzó el Atlántico y encontró una nueva tierra fértil donde desarrollarse y crecer. En el momento de la independencia el desprecio hacia los españoles europeos e hispanoamericanos ya formaba parte del ADN de la élite política norteamericana. Poco importaba que España les hubiese ayudado a vencer a Gran Bretaña, el caso es que los padres fundadores de los EE.UU, estaban imbuidos de planteamientos negrolegendarios como le ocurría al abogado John Adams (uno de los padres fundadores de EE.UU. y segundo presidente desde 1797 a 1801) quien en una carta dirigida a Thomas Jefferson dice «Un gobierno libre y la religión católico-romana no pueden existir juntos cualquiera que sea la nación o el país, y consecuentemente todos los proyectos de reconciliarnos tanto con la vieja España como con la Nueva (México) son utópicos, platónicos y quiméricos. Yo he visto tanta postración y prostitución de la naturaleza humana en la vieja España que formé mi juicio sobre estas cosas hace mucho, por lo que entiendo que la Nueva España es aún peor, si esto es posible». Las consecuencias de las palabras de Adams son que al considerar a los españoles e hispanoamericanos como bestias y dado que las bestias no tienen derecho a poseer un territorio, la Nueva España no podía ser la propietaria de las tierras que se extienden desde Texas hasta California. Así lo entendieron todos los presidentes de los EE.UU. y por eso unos años después Thomas Jefferson gracias a la ayuda de Alexander von Humboldt empezó a planificar la guerra contra el Virreinato de la Nueva España.



1 year ago

Благодарю.Нашла всю семейку Адамс.



2 years ago

James Monroe next?

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1 year ago

Always muggin. Till you see that smirk at the end.



1 year ago

Sit down John, for God sakes



1 year ago

That's why I have nightmares.



2 years ago

What did he look like when he signed the declaration of independence?


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