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When Gaston Glock expanded his business following the success of its first handgun, the Glock 17, he didn’t try to cater to more cartridges or design his own long guns. He took proven success and made it a little bit smaller with a 4-inch barrel and 15-round magazines instead of a 4.5-inch barrel and 17-round magazines. The resulting Glock 19 functioned like its full-size predecessor, was just as reliable, and shot the same ammunition — it was just easier to carry concealed.
The idea wasn’t just good — it created a pistol that’s practically printed money for Glock ever since. It’s smaller than a full-size pistol, but large enough to carry as a duty gun (as many law enforcement agencies and military units have done with great success). It’s larger than a subcompact CCW pistol, but small enough to carry inside a waistband without printing. It’s affordable enough to be the first pistol you buy and tough enough to last a lifetime.
Odds are good that you’ve fired a Glock 19 — it’s one of the most widely used handguns in the US, with roles in the military, law enforcement, and civilian market. It’s been everywhere in the real world and in pop culture for decades.
The GLOCK 19 in 9 mm Luger is ideal for a versatile role thanks to its reduced dimensions when compared to the standard sized option. In addition to its use as a conventional service pistol, it is ideal for use as a backup weapon or for concealed carry purpose.
The Glock 19 Gen 4 comes from a reputable manufacturer, known for pushing the envelope with each new model.
Ever since the establishment of the company in Austria in 1963, Glock has been synonymous with quality and reliability.
Its steady growth coincided with the Glock brand being used both by police and military forces, as well as in commercial settings.
The first Glock 19 came out way back in 1988, and each new model has won universal acclaim. This model is no exception, and we are pleased to report that it indeed delivers on its promises. The original Glock 17 model’s release was groundbreaking. It exceeded all sales expectations as a plastic handgun. Every new model upgraded and changed things for loyal Glock fans. When Glock 19 Gen 4 came out in 2010, it immediately became the go-to for law enforcement and personal safety. The Glock 19 Gen 4 is a powerful, accurate, no-frills semi-automatic handgun. The fact that it comes from a brand whose models have become standard equipment of professional law enforcement also makes it a very good choice for your personal protection.
With a caliber of 9 x 19 mm, this model is 7.28 in long and 1.18 in wide. Unloaded, it weighs 23.65 oz. The standard magazine capacity of the Gen 4 is 15, although there is an option of fitting in the 10/17/33 variant. Namely, all Glock magazines are the same size (width). Therefore, it is possible to fit a larger one in this handgun.
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