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4,331 Views • Oct 23, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 4,331
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 23, 2022 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

kaboomtoon when he must resort to shorts 🩳

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2 years ago

personally, i don't think this game ever could or would kill arsenal. lets start with some points.
1. audience
you've said that the movement and bhopping is ripped directly from source, unlike arsenal. that however means that games unite requires way more skill to actually get good at than arsenal. looking at the playerbase of arsenal and roblox in general you see that its mainly made of a bunch of kids who enjoy more the speed of arsenals basic movement compared to games unite's advanced bhopping, which to new players will appear complicated and slow. it's the same reason ultimate players cant enjoy melee the same.
2. presentation
games unite presents itself as a "beta place". while this hasn't stopped games from blowing up on roblox before whilst in beta, (jailbreak blew up in beta) it does put a hamper on the games presentation. some of the environments in games unite appear far more simplistic than arsenals, at least to an outsiders perspective. arsenal is packed with skins, player models, unique maps, and tons of different playstyles. arsenal overall has much more to show than games unite, even if the game was sculpted more simplisticly.
3. community
the biggest thing that prevents games unite from taking arsenal's throne is community, being that rolve is considered a high standard in roblox and has arsenal and their other games featured in events and nominated and achieved bloxys. arsenal has thousands of people who adore the game and they most likely aren't going to just switch to another game. even if that happened, arsenal would still have a huge casual community due to games unite's more skilled base game structure. overall, arsenal's hardcore community moving to games unite would hurt arsenal, but it wouldn't be enough to take it over completely.
in conclusion, arsenal is just too established and begineer friendly to be truely overtaken in playerbase games unite. do i think that games unite taking over would be a bad thing? no, it's obvious that the developers of games unite put tons and tons of effort into the game and overall they deserve their flowers. (and more and more arsenal shows the cracks in its design) i personally think however that games unite becoming uber popular is very, very unlikely however. what do i know really, mad city over took jailbreak, then jailbreak over took mad city, then adopt me, and now does anyone even know what the most popular game on roblox is anymore? that's i really have to say. good video btw

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2 years ago

Just play tf2 or cs:go

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