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Views : 261
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 8, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-12-09T17:18:52.445493Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I'm sorry bro, but Unseen Elder will win Ciri with ease. Even if she teleports into his back, he will react instantly, and then his regeneration and speed are much higher than those of Higher Vampires. For example, he was able to easily rip Geralt's throat out, and Geralt did not even understand what happened, and he was also able to throw him into the cave with one hand, and during all this time Geralt was helpless and could not do anything to him.
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1 month ago
Ciri would get blitzed by normal higher vampire, forget the unseen elder. Saying that Ciri wins is just like saying that Geralt wins with him even before blood and wine which is obviously cap asf. People been riding Ciri „Full power” as the most powerful being etc. And yet she has no feats with it, only statements. If she would do the same thing as in battle of kaer morhen then it wouldn’t be a problem for unseen, stronger units like Eredin can already resist it for some time so it changes nothing, Ciri can’t do shit against Unseen elder or pretty much any higher vampire
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