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Views : 137
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 3, 2022 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2022-09-16T23:36:24.696746Z
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Facts about them:
- They use They/Them
- Their Name is Sappen “Molasses”
- They are Scramblo’s Adopted Nibling (Non-binary version of Niece or Nephew
- They work at Scramblo’s Diner too
- Sappen came from a Rich family that abandoned Them
- They are good friends with Joe and Flannery and admire their relationship
- They don’t really like Danni as much because he annoys Sappen all the time
- They are Queer, they don’t quite know their Orientation
- They are also really short about, 5’6 (Still taller than me, I’m 5’4.5..
- They like peach syrup infact (OH GOD NO but also a reference to Michael Rosen
- They don’t know that Danni is jealous of them. Probably either because Sappen gets more attention from Scramblo because they’re family and everything, or the fact that Danni throws tasks at them all the time and they work really hard to get praised.
- Other than work and everything, they like Music. They infact, can play an instrument. Which is a Violin. When they were with their other family, they kind of forced them to play the Violin. But after some time they didn’t mind.
- They sometimes bring their Violin to work and play songs on their shift. They like to play Chopin’s Nocturnes, especially Nocturne in E-Flat Major. (Their Favorite, MY FAVORITE TOO!!!)
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4 months ago
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