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Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā WhatĀ isĀ Lipoma?Ā |Ā ŚŲ±ŲØŪĀ Ś©ŪĀ ŚÆŁŁ¹ŪĀ |Ā Symp...Ā Ā How to treat Anal Fiasure only with medicines at home without operation:
Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā AnalĀ FissureĀ |Ā TreatmentĀ withĀ onlyĀ Me...Ā Ā :::::About Dr Imtiaz Hussain :::::
Surgeon Dr Imtiaz Hussain (Gold Medalist)
MBBS, Punjab, Pakistan.
AMC, Australia.
FCPS, Pakistan.
Diploma in Laparoscopy( Germany ).
CHPE ( Medical Education)
1.Society of Surgeons of Pakistan(LC)-SSP
2. Surgical Oncology Society of Pakistan( SOS-PK)
3.Pakistan Academy of Family Physicians-PAFPĀ® (Regd)
4. Public Relation Coordinator & Secretary of PAFP.
Gold Medalist in Academics.
Surgical Jeaopardy SURGICON 2011
Award of Excellence FAMILYCONĀ®, 2019
He has published his work in various medical journals.
1.International Conference on Medical Education
2.International Conference on Family Medicine- FAMILYCONĀ®.
Dr Imtiaz Hussain is a Consultant General and Laparoscopic Surgeon. After graduating from Nishtar Medical University, Pakistan, he visited Australia for Australian Medical Council exam.Ā He completed his FCPS degree which is the highest degree in Pakistan in the field of General Surgery. During his postgraduate residency program, he had also trained himself in the field of Urology, Plastic Surgery, Paediatric Surgery and Orthopaedic Surgery.
Since 2012, he, as a volunteer, is working as an instructor for the Basic Life Support (BLS) Program in Fatima Jinnah Medical University Lahore, Pakistan. In this course, he is the Master Trainer andĀ teaches CPR and other lifesaving techniques to Doctors , Medical Students, N
Since 2015, he is working as a Clinical Exam Coordinator for the examination of FCPS part 2 ( Clinical Exam) by College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP).
He has also served as an in-charge of Temporary Hospital setup by Government of Pakistan in PC Hotel Lahore for Pakistan Super League (PSL) matches and also for the matches against theĀ Zimbabwe cricket team.
BSc electrical engineering, UET, Lahore, Pakistan.
M.E. Comm. & Info. Systems Engineering, Nanjing, China.
Special interest in software and mobile applications and video editing.
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Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā SebaceousĀ CystĀ Ā Surgical Knots & Sutures:
Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā SuturesĀ &Ā SurgicalĀ KnotsĀ Ā Fissure, Fistula and Haemorrhoids Videos:
Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā Haemorrhoids/Ā PilesĀ Ā Videos about Anal Fissure:
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