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Views : 61,922
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 13, 2008 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I just got one of these clocks from a church tag sale I was working at. I think its a Grandfather though. I just learned that to day anything 6ft and over is a grandfather, anything 5ft and over is a grandmother, anything 5ft and under is a granddaugther and I guess anything shorter than that is a grandson. got to love these clocks.
I just assembled an emperor model 571 or 575. Brand new - lain in box for 20 + years. Assembly went well except the chimes do not chime. I went thru the troubleshooting section of manual - all appear fine (from troubleshooting suggestions). I do hear the clicks. The heavy weight is in correct position, nothing appears tangled. The chime selector will not slip into bottom selection. As a know nothing clock person it seems that the chime selector may not be moving out of silent position even tho selector indicates it has moved. I would greatly appreciate your help.
11 years ago
Beautiful clock. Love the chimes.
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